Cameron Executive Network Sign in Take handout Sit in one of the first three rows Cameron Executive Network
Cameron School of Business Cameron Executive Network
CEN IS… A Network of Active and Retired Executives who are Committed to Mentoring Cameron Business Students Founded 16 years Ago 250 + Executive Mentors and 450 + Students
BENEFITS OF BEING IN THE PROGRAM Career Planning Resume Fine Tuning and Interviewing Skills Networking Opportunities Your Bridge From College to The Corporate World
REQUIREMENTS TO APPLY You must be ADMITTED to The Cameron School of Business You are NOT GRADUATING at the end of the Current Semester You must attend a 45-minute session to learn about the CEN program (which you are doing right now ) HOW DO YOU APPLY? Application can be found by logging into the portal at: You must complete an online application by Monday January 28th at 5pm.
KEY ACTIONS FOR SUCCESS Read The Student Mentoring Guide before filling out the application. Application can be found at: Use a word document to answer the questions, then cut and paste answers into the application Think through your answers-write thoughtfully Spell check APPLICATION SYSTEM TIMES OUT IN 20 MINUTES!! If you are unable to complete it within the time frame; remember to SAVE!
KEY ACTIONS FOR SUCCESS Questions Include: Hours per week you can commit Describe your strengths and weaknesses Your expectations from mentoring relationship REMEMBER: DON’T BE LATE IN YOUR SUBMISSION!! IT MUST BE IN BY 5:00 pm ON Monday, January 28th!
NEXT STEPS… Your application is reviewed by the CEN Office Selected candidates will be invited Via E-mail to “The CENExchange Mixer”! The CENExchange Mixer is on Tuesday, February 5th, from 6:00 to 8:30p.m. in the Burney Center You may receive an E-mail or call from a mentor that has seen your profile, but you may also be proactive.
NEXT STEPS… BE PROACTIVE!! Assignment: Review the list of available mentors from the current mentor list Those who plan to attend the mixer are indicated in blue Those who will take on students, but cannot attend the mixer are in red Select candidates you want to meet and bring your list with you to the CENExchange Mixer BE PROACTIVE!!
CEN MIXER Meet and greet potential mentors Dress for SUCCESS You will be given a preference card to fill out and submit before you leave (Mentors will submit one as well) Hand out your business card (see sample on Resource page on CSB website)
Pricing: $1.20 each sheet of 10 business cards Email: Send your personalized publisher file to the above address and specify the quantity. They will print and have ready for pick up at the iPrint Business Center next to TAC in Randall Library.
CENExchange MIXER PREFERENCE CARDS CEN Mixer February 5, 2019 Mentor Name:___________________________ Capacity: # ___________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address:_____________________________ Student Name:_____________________________
AFTER THE THE CENExchange MIXER!… The CEN Office reviews potential mentor and student matches Students and mentors are informed via E-mail of the pairings (approximately one week after event) Preference is given to the students mentor selection where possible
Important Reminders Check your UNCW E-mail regularly, and reply if response is required – communication is everything Attendance is imperative – Missing two events after an RSVP of yes results in dismissal from the network
“My mentor helped get me my first internship, and as a result of having that first internship I was hired for a second internship a year later. She also pushed me to network a lot, and I have made some great contacts in the business world.” “My involvement with CEN has had a tremendous impact on my professional career. I had two amazing internships because of CEN. One may eventually lead to a job pending budget approval in July. Everyone that is eligible can benefit from CEN mentoring.” “Wonderful program! It truly sets UNCW apart from other institutions and business schools. Very grateful for this opportunity to connect with my mentor!”
FINAL NOTE CEN expects each mentor or mentee to contact CEN promptly if he or she at any time believes the mentoring relationship is not working effectively or if he or she becomes uncomfortable in any way with any aspect of the relationship. Contact either one of us should the need arise: Sara Kesler: Phone#: 910-962-7452, Cameron Hall 131 Bob Pious: Phone#: 910-962-7207 Allen Patrick: Phone#: 910-962-7459