Met Office Unified Model and CloudNet Damian Wilson Met Office, Hadley Centre
Current Status Archiving from the UM mesoscale model is occurring for the three observation sites. ‘New Dynamics’ version of the Unified Model is scheduled to go operational on 18th June 2002.
The diagnostic cloud scheme Then we can diagnose the cloud fraction and water content If we know about the shape of the distribution of moisture minus saturation (q+l - qsat) about its mean Cloudy s= –Qc s A diagnostic function is used for ice. And the mean state of the gridbox
Model microphysics Part of cloud scheme
Development of the Unified Model and CloudNet. New microphysics module available. This is being used in the latest climate model development. Development work on clouds is concentrating on a prognostic based cloud scheme. Currently, a prototype scheme exists but the scheme will not be available for operational trials until November 2003. The description of ice particle size distributions is being investigated using detailed microphysical bin-models.