RESURSĂ EDUCAŢIONALĂ DESCHISĂ Denumire: Let‘s face idioms Autor: IGNA RALUCA Unitatea de învăţământ: Liceul Teoretic „Mihai Viteazul“ Caracal Disciplina: Limba engleză Clasa: a IX-a Scopul materialului propus: pentru elev (de utilizat de către elev)
We all know the literal meaning of face. But do you know that a clock or a watch also has a face?
Face often has the meaning of appearance. He put on a brave face.
Face sometimes means the whole person. Someone once said: I'm not just a pretty face.
When we use it as a verb, it often has the meaning look clearly at or confront. For example, to face the consequences.
Now let’s find out some idioms with the word FACE
To face the music To have unpleasant consequences after doing something wrong To get punishment
To lose face To look miserable and unimportant To spoil one’s reputation
To keep a straight face To try to look serious and not to laugh when something really funny is happening
To be two-faced To be dishonest, hypocritical
To save face To try to pretend everything is OK when something bad, that can damage your reputation, is happening
Until you are blue in the face Obstinately Without stop
Off the face of the earth To disappear completely When someone can’t find a thing he lost
To be written all over one’s face Some feelings or thoughts are clearly seen on somebody’s face Some one can’t hide emotions
To pull a long face To look sad, or depressed
To get egg on the face To make a silly mistake To be a complete failure
And now let’s check your memory! You should fill up the blanks: Did you hear that Joe didn't back up his computer last night and it crashed this morning? He's with the boss at the moment - no doubt facing… When Di fell off her chair, it was all I could do to …… face.
Let’s check your memory! Did you hear that Joe didn't back up his computer last night and it crashed this morning? He's with the boss at the moment - no doubt facing the music! When Di fell off her chair, it was all I could do to keep a straight face.
Let’s check your memory! Why have you pulled such a … face today? Has something happened I don't know about? I think the government is just trying to…face. You can keep asking till you're … . I'm not going to change my mind.
Let’s check your memory! Why have you pulled such a long face today? Has something happened I don't know about? I think the government is just trying to save face. You can keep asking till you're blue in the face . I'm not going to change my mind.
Let’s check your memory! Has anyone seen my car keys? I put them down five minutes ago and now they've disappeared … …! Come on, Pete, somebody's been eating my biscuits. It must've been you. It's …on your face!
Let’s check your memory! Has anyone seen my car keys? I put them down five minutes ago and now they've disappeared from the face of earth! Come on, Pete, somebody's been eating my biscuits. It must've been you. It's written on your face!
Let’s check your memory! People won't give their opinions during meetings in case they are wrong. They don't want to…face. She is so … . She says one thing to you and another - behind your back. We ended up with … on our face after we discovered that we were breaking the rules.
Let’s check your memory! People won't give their opinions during meetings in case they are wrong. They don't want to lose their face. She is so two-faced . She says one thing to you and another - behind your back. We ended up with egg on our face after we discovered that we were breaking the rules.
That’s all for today!
BIBLIOGRAFIE: Enciclopedia Encarta, Microsoft, The American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd Ed., 2000