Fighting of the French and Indian War Team Tropical Mr. Monroe 7th Grade Humanities
Words You Need to Know!!! Blunder- A terrible mistake. Committed- when someone is completely dedicated to something. Siege- A military tactic in which the defensive party is confined to one particular place and the attacking party attempts to invade that particular place (usually is a lengthy process). Prospects- chances of success
Advantages of the French and British Britain France Controlled the seas Better on land Had more military advantages Single colonial government Had own militias Many forts along key river routes Allies with the Iroquois Confederacy Well fortified fortresses (Quebec and Montreal) Many more men Indian allies were great at guerilla tactic warfare
Blundering Braddock Appointed by the British government to head the War. Planned on capturing Fort Duquesne. French and Indians used guerilla tactics to disrupt the British. At one point some British were retreating while others were advancing!!! Many deaths resulted. Washington was uninjured despite having four bullet holes in his coat!
Seven Year’s War (officially declared in 1756) This is what the French and Indian War was called in Europe. Actually, some call this the first true world war. Britain, France, Prussia, and Austria were the main contenders in the Seven Year’s War.
William Pitt Became Secretary of State of Britain in 1757. Was completely devoted to defeating the French, whatever the cost… Committed more British troops to the colonies (50,000 troops, more than New France’s entire population) Spent a lot of money in order to fund the war.
The Tides of War Turn Britain began winning the majority of battles after Pitt took charge including: Louisbourg, Fort Frontenac, and Fort Duquesne (finally). French were winning the small battles, the British were winning the big battles.
Quebec: Britain Strikes at the Heart of New France (Battle of the Plains of Abraham) British laid siege to the city of Quebec for three months. The actual battle itself lasted about an hour. Commanders (both died in battle) French- Marquis de Montcalm British- General James Wolfe Proved to be the decisive blow to the French Allowed the British to take over the rest of New France
Treaty of Paris (1763) After the French were defeated at Quebec and later Montreal Britain had a firm hold on the New World. The Treaty of Paris officially ended the conflict between the French and British during the French and Indian War/Seven Year’s War Notable British Gains: Florida territory, lands west of the Appalachian Mountains (O.R.V), and Southeastern Canada.
What to Study for the Quiz Your Book pages 105-111. The PowerPoints on Ms. Anderson’s Quia Page. Also, there is a Quiz on the Quia page you can take to prepare. Make Sure You KNOW (this is not all that will be on the quiz!!!) Key Vocabulary words Key People (George Washington, Ben Franklin, Gov. Dinwiddie, Gen. James Wolfe, Marquis De Montcalm) The TimeLine Geography of the war (Who Controlled What?)