Lamb to the Slaughter By Roald Dahl Fior Flores & Jessica Robb SIOP Lesson Plan Presentation
Lesson Sequence Highlight content and language standards Review language objective vocabulary Word Study Activity (Language learning and building background) Words/phrases: anxiety, company, sewing, expecting a child, fix Teacher Model: provide explanation of parts of the Word Study, ask for student input Students are grouped (heterogeneously/homogeneously?) and will write their own definition of the word using the picture clues and the dictionary definition T&SW regroup to discuss meanings (different meanings and their relationship to the quote from the text) Picture Walk Analysis Activity (Integrating vocabulary to content learning) Teacher will model how to analyze the photo using the questions provided for the photos. Language supports: ENL students will be provided with sentence starters to complete the question prompts. SW also be provided with the vocabulary from text that matches the photo. Give extra points to those students who can incorporate the vocabulary terms into their picture walk analysis Identify the sequence of events (in preparation for creating developing story timeline) Exit Ticket “After analyzing the picture walk, I predict/infer that…” Show video clip
Lesson standards Reading Standards for Literature 6–12 New Language Arts Progressions (ESL/NL) 6.RL.3: Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. 6.RL.3: Analyze how and why individuals, events and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
Learning Objectives Content Objective(s) Language Objective(s) Students will be able to (1) describe the sequence of events in the short story, (2) define and correctly use key vocabulary words, (3) predict events that will happen in the story based upon how the plot unfolds over the course of a text, and (4) write an alternative ending to the short story based upon a change in the sequence of events. Students will be able to (1) analyze the events and characters in the short story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl, (2) develop a timeline that demonstrates how the plot moves towards a resolution over the course of a text, (3) retell the story’s plot, (4) identify elements of fiction within the text, and (5) create an alternative ending based upon a change in the sequence of events.
Learning Objectives Content Objective(s) Language Objective(s) I can describe the sequence of events in the short story. I can define and correctly use key vocabulary words. I can predict events that will happen in the story based upon how the plot unfolds over the course of a text. I can analyze the events and characters in the short story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl. I can develop a timeline that demonstrates how the plot moves towards a resolution over the course of a text. I can identify elements of fiction within the text.
Vocabulary Word Wall Language Objectives write describe identify analyze predict explain discuss Elements of Fiction setting character plot exposition conflict climax falling action resolution / denouement Content Vocabulary alibi sewing murder murderer merely freeze freezer punctually supper lamb satisfy search smile fix weapon glance anxiety detective process slaughter curiously peaceful leg of lamb expecting a child lamb to the slaughter
Vocabulary Word Wall Language Objectives write describe identify predict analyze explain discuss
Vocabulary Word Wall Language Objectives write describe identify predict analyze explain discuss
Vocabulary Word Wall Language Objectives write describe identify predict analyze explain discuss
Vocabulary Word Wall Elements of Fiction setting character plot exposition conflict climax falling action resolution / denouement
Vocabulary Word Wall Prezi Presentation “Lamb to the Slaughter” slaughter-by-roald-dahl/ Content Vocabulary alibi sewing murder murderer merely freeze freezer punctually supper lamb satisfy search smile fix weapon glance anxiety detective process slaughter curiously peaceful leg of lamb expecting a child lamb to the slaughter
Word Study Activity: VOCABULARY Building Background through language For homework everyone was asked to look up the dictionary definitions of the vocabulary words, paraphrase, and find a synonym. Directions: 1. Match the picture in the appropriate definition, and place the picture in the correct box. 2. As a group, take turns to discuss why you think that the picture goes with the definition. 3. Each person will get a quote and explain the word in context.
Picture Walk: Applying Vocabulary in Context
Picture Walk Applying Vocabulary in Context Part 2 What are the sequence of events? What would happen if? In this picture, the sequence of events are: First, _____________________________. Next, ____________________________. Then, ____________________________. Last, _____________________________. Discuss and analyze the picture. In your analysis, use the vocabulary if you can! In the picture, what characters do you see? *Who do you see? What is in the setting? *What do you see? How are the characters feeling? *Adjectives What is happening in the picture? Why do you think this is happening? What do you predict will happen next? *Group Discussion Question: Using what you know about the short story, how do you predict the story will end?
anxiety merely satisfy/satisfied nearer the time sew / sewing curiously peaceful expecting a child calm/calm look
punctually turn in the lock knock musically company thoroughly exhausted unusual fix freezer lamb puzzled “What’s the matter?”
instinct perhaps supper leg of lamb steel violence of the crash
extraordinary detective peculiar hurry back home return to cry hard
necessary alibi murderer weapon leg of lamb
Sequence of Events Applying Elements of Plot: Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution Exposition / CONFLICT CONFLICT / Rising Action Exposition Resolution Falling Action CLIMAX
Revisiting Learning Objectives Content Objective(s) Language Objective(s) I can describe the sequence of events in the short story. I can define and correctly use key vocabulary words. I can predict events that will happen in the story based upon how the plot unfolds over the course of a text. I can analyze the events and characters in the short story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl. I can develop a timeline that demonstrates how the plot moves towards a resolution over the course of a text. I can identify elements of fiction within the text.
Exit Ticket “After analyzing the picture walk, I predict/infer that…” “Lamb to the Slaughter” Movie trailers