Dutch presidency 2016-I Territorial cohesion Daniël de Groot Ministry of Infrastructure and The Environment 11 januari 2019
Dutch presidency General priorities Dutch presidency: Better regulation, Innovation, growth, jobs, Engaging the public/public participation Slovakia, Malta Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment: To integrate as much as possible: transport, environment, water management , adaptation to climate change and spatial planning Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu 11 januari 2019
Amsterdam Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 11 January 2019
Program 2016 relevant for territorial cohesion Combined UDG/NTCCP-meeting 6-7 April Innovation-expo on smart cities 14 April Informal council of transport and environment 14 April Adaptation futures conference PROVIA, 10-13 May round table territorial cohesion 10 May DG meeting territorial cohesion A’dam 11 May ESPON-week 14-17 June Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 11 January 2019
Better regulation Territorial aspects of better regulation: more integration, less complexity, easier implementation (also objectives of EU-project Make it work) The influence of EU policy on national spatial planning Scenarios for Better Regulation issues during Dutch presidency Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 11 January 2019
Engaging the public/ public participation Planning for transition and innovation: Lessons learned in bottom up planning, innovation projects (with working visit in Amsterdam), Government as one of the stakeholders in a development proces Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 11 January 2019
Spatial conditions for enhancing the competitiveness of European regions. What can you do to enhance your competitiveness? Urban Agenda Polycentric development at different scales Cross border co-operation Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 11 January 2019
And more… Inspire Directive Workshop Updates on the new ESPON projects ESPON 2017 annual workplan Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 11 January 2019
Book your hotel early to be sure to have a “good” price Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 11 January 2019
We like to welcome you in Amsterdam! Oproep als graag willen bijdragen aan 1 van de thema’s, in het bijzonder ronde tafel PROVIA, dan horen wij het graag. Maar ook zullen we de komende tijd zelf lidstaten benaderen. Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 11 January 2019