Reformation: Splitting of the Church into Catholic and Protestant 16th Century – New ideas, land, inventions, ways of thinking
Inventions to fuel the fire ________________– printing press (movable type) – Why such a big deal? Cheap ___________ Culture of __________ – government sponsoring of large scale economic ventures Govt. and private ventures into research and expansion
______________________ _________ and other followers believed in ethical piety of Christ NOT the __________, abstract religion of the Middle Ages His ideas became the ________ the Protestants used to _______ Catholicism
Ethics of Christ Truth Profess the ________ Care for one as you would care for yourself __________ Use teachings of Christ to make wise decisions _________ love – service Inspiration to _____________– slam on society
Problems with the Church Lacked full _________ or intellectual satisfaction Taught people they had to achieve the ______________________(why is this ludicrous?) Rigid in thought and change even when results are not detrimental, i.e. _________
Reaction by Church to problems ____________ – wars mostly against Muslim invaders, but grasp for more power/attention Against new religious movements even if they agree _________________ if disagree with church for any reason
John Wycliffe
John Huss "You are now going to burn a _________, (the name of Huss signifying goose in the Bohemian language), but in a century you will have a _________ whom you can neither roast nor boil."
A Hussite? Martin Luther Beliefs of Huss _____________________alone Religious works and ceremonies did not have to carried out – evident in those that believe Wine and bread not blood and flesh – no _______________ Attacked indulgences Personal merit – basis of religious authority – implications?
Indulgences When guilty of sin under an _________________ After confession – ___________ penalty – wiped clean with work performed here Received for going on a _______ – later $ Eventually could purchase for the ______ Played on ___________
John Tetzel – professional indulgence conniver Don’t you hear the voices of your dead parents and other relatives crying out, ‘Have mercy on us, for we suffer great punishment and pain. From this you could release us with a few alms…. We have created you, fed you, cared for you, and left you our temporal goods. Why do you treat us so cruelly and leave us to suffer in the flames, when it takes only a little to save us?
What was going on in German provinces? People were angry over _________ and abuses by church abuses ______________ was growing Time was ripe in Germany for Luther’s voice to be heard
Martin Luther
Who is Martin Luther? Comes from a _________________________ Master of Arts degree Signed up to go to law school, but angered his parents by choosing to enter the Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine instead. How would your parents feel if you were going to join an Order of Hermits? During a lightning storm he promised God if he were safe he would join a monastery. Be careful what you wish for or pray for – you just might get it.
Luther’s reactions to the indulgences/problems Began to grapple with ineptitude of church for personal/intellectual satisfaction – same problems today? “_____________” Pounds _______________on door of church Oct. 31, 1517 – explaining all problems of the church
Leipzig Debate Luther and John Eck Infallibility of the _________ ____________ of church councils _____________ alone is sovereign Hussite – ___________ is not really Christ Only 2 sacraments were legit (2 legit 2 quit) ___________________alone
_____________________ Forced to recant or be excommunicated Given 60 days to decide Refused against scripture and conscience
Outlaw Outlaw in church and secular society Hid for about a year in the _________________
____________________ Holy roman Empire – distracted by attacks of the Turks ____________________died and Pope was concerned with whom he would choose as successor ______ princes were given sovereignty in religious matter – granted __________ religious freedom 1555 – ‘ruler of the land shall determine the religion of the land’
Other Reformers ____________ – Swiss reformers __________________ “Whatever lacked literal support in Scripture was to be neither believed nor practiced” Broke Lenten fast __________________ Ancestors of Mennonites and Amish – rejected infant baptism ___________ – only religious authority was the Holy Ghost or God’s Spirit Calvinist – original ____, ______________