Islamic Development BanK 0 Cairo, Egypt The Role of the Islamic Development Bank in Financing Transport Infrastructure and Improving Road Safety together.


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Presentation transcript:

Islamic Development BanK 0 Cairo, Egypt The Role of the Islamic Development Bank in Financing Transport Infrastructure and Improving Road Safety together we build a better future 24 October 2011

Islamic Development BanK 1 Presentation Outline Snapshot on IDB Volume and distribution of IDB financing Transport Strategy New Commitment to Road Safety Available windows for financing road safety 1

Islamic Development BanK 2 Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Foster the economic development and social progress of MCs and Muslim communities. International Islamic Trade Financing Corporation (ITFC) Promote and enhances intra-trade and trade cooperation through trade finance and promotion programs Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) Promote development of private sector development. Islamic Research & Training Institute (IRTI) Undertake applied & basic research in Islamic Economics and Finance. Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment & Export Credit (ICIEC) Provide Shariah- compatible export credit insurance, political risk insurance, technical assistance. The IDB Group Shariah Compliance

Islamic Development BanK 3 Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Regional Offices: Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Morocco and Senegal Field Representatives in several Member Countries AAA Rating by Moodys, Fitch, and S&P. Zero-Risk Rating by the European Commission We are committed to alleviating poverty; promoting human development, science & technology, Islamic banking & finance; and enhancing cooperation amongst member countries, in collaboration with our development partners Human Development Agricultural Development & Food Security Infrastructure Development Private Sector Development Intra-Trade among Member Countries R&D in Islamic Banking & Finance As of 17 December 2009 Authorised Capital : US$ 46.0 bn Rated : Aaa/AAA/AAA Paid up capital of US$5.5 bn* Member Countries : 56 Total Employees : 1,014 Total Assets : US$ 13.1 bn Sub-Saharan Africa – 22 Middle-East & North-Africa – 19 South & South-East Asia – 8 Central Asia –7 Paid-up Capital : US$ 5.5 bn ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK Snapshot Mission Statement IDB Scorecard Priority Areas

Islamic Development BanK 4 * Excluding operations of ICIEC & ICD Aggregate IDB Group Financing ( ) Net Approved IDB Financing: US$ 63.9 bn * Cumulative Sectoral Distribution

Islamic Development BanK 5 Trends in OCR Approvals 1396H-1431H 5

Islamic Development BanK 6 Aggregate Infrastructure Financing ( ): Sectoral Distribution US$ 15,520 m Net Approved Financing* * Total Approvals less Cancellations

Islamic Development BanK 7 Aggregate Infrastructure Financing ( ): Geographic Distribution US$ 15,520 m Net Approved Financing* * Total Approvals less Cancellations

Islamic Development BanK 8 IDB and Transport Projects Financing

Islamic Development BanK 9 Transports Projects Operations CountryNo. OperationsAmount ($, mi.)% of total Portfolio Bahrain Egypt Iraq000 Jordan Kuwait000 Lebanon Oman Palestine156 Qatar000 Saudi Arabia Sudan Syria000 UAE16042 Yemen

Islamic Development BanK 10 IDBs Transport Strategy A comprehensive strategy implementation framework for the period 1431H-1433H has been prepared by IDB with a focus on: Financing of Regional Infrastructure Projects. Promotion of Trade among member countries. Promotion of Cross-Border investment and flow of investment among MCs. Capacity Building for Economic Integration Infrastructure. A comprehensive strategy implementation framework for the period 1431H-1433H has been prepared by IDB with a focus on: Financing of Regional Infrastructure Projects. Promotion of Trade among member countries. Promotion of Cross-Border investment and flow of investment among MCs. Capacity Building for Economic Integration Infrastructure.

Islamic Development BanK 11 Road Safety in IDB Financings Historically: Minimum consideration as part of Road Project Financing (safe road design). November 2009: Commitment along with 6 others MDBs (WB, ADB, AfDB, IaDB, EIB & EBRD) on a Shared Approach to Managing Road Safety: – Improving road safety is a development priority in developing and emerging countries. – Scale up global, regional and country responses to bring the growing numbers of road deaths and injuries toll under control. 11

Islamic Development BanK 12 MDBs Shared Approach to Managing Road Safety The measures to be carried out fall into four broad categories: – Strengthening road safety management capacity; – Implementing safety approaches in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of road infrastructure projects; – Improving safety performance measures (data, indicators, analyses, etc.); and – Mobilizing more and new resources for road safety. 12

Islamic Development BanK 13 IDBs Action Plan on Road Safety Build internal capacity and awareness. Coordinate interventions and share experience with the other MDBs. Propose to include road safety in Policy Dialogue with Member Countries & in Country Programming. Include Road Safety audits as part of road development projects. Propose TAs to focus on institutional arrangements and capacity building in MC. 13

Islamic Development BanK 14 Available Windows for Road Safety Financing Regular Project Financing Technical Assistance Technical Cooperation Program Non-Government Organizations (NGO) 14

Islamic Development BanK 15 Project Financing As part of the formulation of a road project to be financed, may include road safety components: – Road Safety Audit – Training – Sensitization Campaign 15

Islamic Development BanK 16 Technical Assistance Institutional Arrangements including diagnosis of country conditions in terms of existing responsible agencies, legislation, road safety strategies and programs, funding, monitoring and evaluation of safety performance, etc. Capacity Building in terms of road safety data collection and analysis, research and awareness campaigns. 16

Islamic Development BanK 17 Technical Cooperation Program Tripartite scheme: Beneficiary Country, Donor Country (Expertise) and IDB as Facilitator/Financier Grant financing Recently, annual budget of $5 million 3 vehicles: – Provision of an Expert (maximum of 6 months, $25,000) – On the Job Training / Study Visit (max. 4 months, $25,000) – Conference & Seminar (max. 5 days, $60,000) 17

Islamic Development BanK 18 NGOs Make funds directly available to Road Safety NGOs (Grant) Capacity Building operations: training, equipment, support to activities (maximum $100,000) 18

Islamic Development BanK 19 THANK YOU For your attention! شكرا والسلام عليكم