Chapter 8: Developing Cardiorespiratory Endurance Sections 1 and 2
Review Chapter 7 Aerobic versus Anaerobic Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Main Organs Functions Lifestyle Diseases Factors Influencing Cardiorespiratory Endurance What Can’t We Control What We Can Control VO2 Interval Training
Evaluating Your Cardiorespiratory Endurance What have we done in this class? Cardiorespiratory Tests Steady-State Walk Test Cooper’s 1.5 Mile Run Test Steady-State Jog Test Alternative Tests Steady-state cycle test Steady-state swim test Exercise Stress Test
Preparing for Cardiorespiratory Fitness Tests Prime your Body Condition for 5 weeks Checklist Verify the Distance Pace Yourself Practice Consider Weather Warm-up and Cool-down
Which Test for You-Pg#223 Compare the 30-minute walk vs. Cooper’s 1.5 Mile-Run Evaluations/Training seem reasonable? Would you score in the “Good-to-Better” rating? How could you improve? Vs. Swim or Cycle Test?
Exercise Stress Test Evaluation in which you walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike under medical supervision For individuals who are obese or sedentary Also used after health screening when possible health problem—Example?
Aerobic Activities What are some aerobic activities? Walking Running Bicycling Skating Dancing Kick-boxing Skiing Water Activities
Walking Elliptical Motion Trainer-exercise machine that mimics natural motions of running without stress on joints Pedometer-device that measures the number of steps you take and records the distance Can walking be a vigorous activity? How many steps per day?
Walking Programs Brisk Walking-3.5 to 4 MPH-Moderate intense activity Power Walking-4 to 5 MPH-Moderate to Vigorous activity Race Walking-Greater than 5 MPH-Vigorous activity Water Walking-For injury or rehabilitation, and severely overweight-Low, moderate, or vigorous intensity
Water Activities Improves cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength Lap swimming, aquatic aerobics, aquatic step training, and aquatic line dancing What is similar about these activities to those performed on land?
Jogging and Running Ideal for body weight and higher levels of CR fitness Start J/R programs slowly with right footwear injuries Shinsplints Biomechanics-supination and pronation
Heart Rate Monitors Device that records your heart beat by means of a chest transmitter and wrist monitor Helps prevent overtraining—How? 60-90%=THR Zone 150-250 minutes per week
Bicycling Excellent for overweight b/c of support Less risk of injury than jogging Adjust seat and wear helmet Stationary vs Free Range Spin Class
Spin Class Examples
Aerobic Activities on Wheels In-Line Skating Skateboarding Scooters Balance Coordination Safety is biggest concern
Aerobic Dance & Stair-Stepping Aerobic activities that allow you to exercise and socialize at the same time 6” step mixed with upper body exercises Set to music, in groups, 45-60 minutes Examples?
Kickboxing Popular new aerobic activity Performed in a group with high-energy music Aerobic and Anaerobic How?
Cross-Country Skiing One of the best Requires both arms and legs in continuous activity Indoors=Stationary trainer Outdoors climate acclimatization Low-impact aerobics
Review How many weeks should you condition for CR test? What are two alternative evaluations that are used for people who may have difficulty running or walking? What is a pedometer? Benefits of stationary cycling vs outdoor? What are some low-impact aerobic exercises? How to prevent shinsplints?
Sections 3 and 4 Chapter 8
Applying FITT to CR Workouts FITT for CR overloading the heart Too light Goal Too heavy = Injury Risk What do FITT letters stand for?
Frequency How frequently should you do aerobic exercise? Be aerobically active everyday (60/day, 225/week) Beginner=3-5 times per week Moderate to High=5=7 times per week
Intensity Measure of Max Heart Rate Target Heart Rate Range=60-90% Range your heart rate should be in during aerobic exercise for maximum CR endurance Beginner=120-145 BPM Moderate/High=145-185 BPM
Time Starting Conditioning: Aim for 20-30 minutes Advance: 30-60 minutes Deconditioned-having been out of training for a significant period after achieving at least moderate level of fitness Interval Workout-example?
Type Aerobic activities are those that are rhythmic, continuous, and use large muscle groups Examples: walking, jogging, skating, dance, kickboxing, skiing, tennis, soccer, etc.
Progression Principle Rate at which you modify FITT principle based on goals Never change all at once or too quickly Be patient Gradual Improvements
Special Situations Physical disabilities and debilitating injuries Possible activities: Water exercises (unable to walk or jog) Arm work (lower-body limitations) Upper-body cycling (reduce weight bearing exercises) Others?
Selecting Fitness Equipment From 1990-2005, home exercise equipment purchases tripled. Why? Would you want an in-home fitness center? What equipment should I get? How much does it cost?
Personal Fitness Equipment Advantages and Disadvantages? Factors: Intended Use Cost Space Accessibility Safety Service-Warranty A guarantee from the manufacture to repair or replace parts for predetermined time period
Cardiorespiratory Equipment Treadmills & Stationary Bikes Recumbent Bike-$300-$2,000 Stair-steppers-$100-$3,000 Cross-Country Ski Machine-$200-$700 Elliptical-$100-$1,200 Swimming Pool or Lap Pool
Cheaper Equipment Dumbbells Medicine Balls Stability Balls Resistance Bands Pull-Up/Sit-Up/Push-Up Bar Jump Rope Push-Up Pro Kettle Bells
Free Equipment? Stairs Chairs Vacuum Cleaner Books Backpack Others?
Review Heart Rate Monitor vs Pedometer Target Heart Rate Range Deconditioned Warranty Recumbent Cycles Tips for someone buying exercise equipment?
References Videos from YouTube Rainey, D. and Murray, T. “Foundations of Personal Fitness.” McGraw-Hill Companies. Glencoe. Woodlands, CA. 2005 Equipment Ideas