1st Grade Weekly News Week of October 8th – 12th WE WILL BE WORKING ON: Reading: Beginning, middle, and end Summarize Writing: Handwriting Grammar: Telling parts of sentences Math: Topic 1: Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10 Essential Question: “What are ways to think about addition and subtractoin?” Social Studies: Geography TEACHER’S CORNER: A book order came home last week as requested from a couple parents. If you are interested in ordering I will be placing the order on the 17th of October. Thank you to those that are willing to come in and help us on the 10th at 1:45 and 12th at 2:15. We are still in need of some extra hands if you are able to come. Our buddies will also be helping us Thursday to label our continents! DON’T FORGET! October 8th School Spirit Wear Online Sales October 9th PTO Meeting – PHE Library October 15th and 17th Conferences Mrs. Pendergrass These things are fun and fun is good. ~ Dr. Suess Spelling Remember these are optional to practice at home. Each student practices about 15 minutes a day on their spelling words in class. pick, pack, tack, back, sack, sick, big, in, hold, so