Pioneer Elementary Welcome Parents and Families! August 6, 2018
Mr. David Snyder, Principal Ms. Becky Hiner, Assistant Principal
Meet our PK-2 Teachers Preschool: Mrs. Molina & Mrs. Nichols Kindergarten: Mrs. Bultman & Ms. Milem 1st grade: Mrs. Schaeffer & Mrs. Washburn 2nd grade: Mrs. Parren & Mrs. Gray PAL reading: Mrs. Scheider
Meet our 3-4 Teachers 3rd grade: Ms. Morales & Ms. Burkland 4th grade: Ms. Moskop & Ms. Ballard K-5 Resource: Mrs. Housley
Meet our PBS Teachers Ms. Cormier K-2nd Mr. Pier 3-5th Mrs. Feyma 6-7th Mr. Pectol 7-8th Ms. Allen Beh. Interventionist Ms. Kuypers PBS Coach Positive Behaviors & Support Program
Meet our Jr. High Teachers 8 Math: Mrs. Curry 6-8 Science: Ms. Krahn 6-7 ELA: Ms. Pleet 7 Math & Social Studies: Mr. Bruning 6-8 Social Studies: Mr. Emerick 8 ELA: Mrs. Wicks 6 Grade ELA: Mrs. Smelter 5-6 Grade Math: Mrs. Higuera 5 Social Studies/Science & 6 Math: Mrs. Becker
Meet our Special Area Staff Library: Mrs. Maher K-4 Music: Ms. Wigner 5-8 Choir & Guitar: Mrs. Callozzo 5-8 Band: Mr. Hughes 6-8 Technology: Mrs. Smelter PK-8 Art: Mrs. Guerra PE: Coach Croteau & Coach Kahldon Speech: Mrs. Rudolph
See PTO Table for info on school shirts PTO Officers See PTO Table for info on school shirts President: Tina Oaida Vice President: Ross Bendetto Treasurer: Lacy Barela Secretary: Tatiana Shumate
Mornings at Pioneer 8:10 Gates open for FREE breakfast 8:25 Gates open for playground 8:33 Students line up for class 8:35 Students entering classes 8:40 Students in seats ready to learn 3:40 Students dismissed
Early Releases Modified Mondays at 1:40 beginning September 10th
Calling In Please make afterschool arrangements with your child before they leave home. If you must call the office to change plans please do so before 3:00 pm. If your child will not be at school, call the attendance line before 9:00 AM. 623-412-4557 (24 hour number)
Parent VUE Parents are able to check their child’s grades and email teachers 24/7 through our new system called Synergy. Get letter from the front office tonight.
Thursday Folders In an effort to communicate with parents weekly we will use “Thursday Folders” Office and classroom communications and grade checks will be sent home on Thursday nights with students - Unless it is time sensitive
Free & Reduced Lunch Forms Enroll and create an account Provide credit or debit information Select how you would like it to pay Free & Reduced Lunch Forms Last years will expire
Volunteers Training is required, includes field trips. We encourage parents, family and community members to become school volunteers. Applications must be renewed each year
Afterschool Options & Sports ASPIRE Program-starting in September Kids Zone (bused from Foothills) YMCA Carousel Daycare Tutor Time Neighborhood parents SPORTS -Cross Country -Football -Volleyball
School-wide Title I Plan that includes goals. Parent Involvement encouraged Family Center open to parents for checking out materials Literacy Lab Teacher: Amy Wicks Federal Funds to provide additional materials and resources to support our students academically
ASPIRE Program 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Starts in September Before and After school class Academic support Enrichment classes Mon-Fri. before school computer lab Parent classes will be offered
Schoolwide-PBIS Pioneer Patriots are: Students are caught being good Safe Caring Respectful Responsible Students are caught being good
Classroom Sessions Since this is not parent/teacher conferences please email the classroom teacher to share if you have any specific questions about your child. This is an opportunity to meet the teacher and get an overview of their expectations and curriculum. 5:30 Classroom Session 6:10 Classroom Session (repeated) 6:50 Everyone heads home for a good nights rest.