Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 1 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century Shiner on the new system of the arts Chap. 5 - Polite Arts for the Polite Classes (Larry Shiner. The Invention of Art. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001). The modern system of the arts emerged during the early decades of the 18th century and was firmly in place by the end of the century. Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 1
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 2 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century The battle of the books Launched by Charles Perrault in 1687 How does this battle reflect the emergence of the new system of the arts? The term which was initially used to refer to the new category of the arts – beaux-arts Translated into English as the “polite arts” or “fine arts” Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 2
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 3 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century The pivotal figure in this new system of the arts: Charles Batteux, and his 1746 Les Beaux arts réduit àun même principe The first to lay out the new system His 3 categories Beaux-arts -- 5 Mechanical arts Mixed arts – 2 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 3
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 4 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century What principles did he use for these groupings Imitation of beautiful nature Goal is pleasure vs utility Genius vs mere skill at reproduction Taste Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 4
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 5 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century Diderot’s in the Encylopedie (Diderot & d’Alembert) (1751-72) offered a variation of Batteux’s system Used 3 categories for all knowledge Science History Fine arts – his principle here was imagination Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 5
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 6 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century D’Alembert in an article in the Encylopedia (in the 1776 supplement) offered another variation (Shiner 84) Offered almost the same list as Batteux, but proposed 2 principles for grouping the fine arts together Goal is pleasure vs utility Are produce of inventive genius vs following fixed & established rules Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 6
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 7 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century The new system spread rapidly and by the end of the century had become standard in England, France, Germany, Italy, and the United States. The list of fine arts varied a bit All included poetry, painting, sculpture & music Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 7
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 8 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century Some added one or several of the following: architecture, dance, engraving, oratory, landscape gardening, tapestry, & porcelain There were also differences over the principles to be used for the grouping. Most agreed upon the following (1) how the work of art was produced: by genius vs fixed rules Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 8
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 9 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century (2) how the work is received by the audience: with pleasure or for utility (Shiner 86) New institutions art museums secular concerts literary criticism, in the sense of reviews of current works (Shiner 88) Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 9
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 10 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century the beginnings of a canon the Grand Tour art histories (the first under the new system: J.J. Winckelmann, History of Ancient Art (1766) public concerts Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 10
Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 11 Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts: the 18th century What was the makeup of the new audiences? Middle and upper-classes These classes gradually separated themselves in their tastes from the vulgar masses Shiner on the beginnings of the new system of the arts - slide 11