Psalm 27:4-6 ( Tune: A Charge to Keep I Have ) Words: The Book of Psalms for Worship, 27B Music: A Charge to Kepp I Have, Lowell Mason Arrangement: Chris Reeves
1. I ask the Lord and seek this one thing to ob - tain: That in the Lord’s house I may live, and ev - er there re - main.
2. To gaze up - on the Lord, his beau - ty to ad - mire; And in his tem - ple I would stay to pon-der and in - quire.
3. He’ll hide me in his tent when comes the e - vil day. He’ll set me high up - on a rock; I’ll in his shel - ter stay.
4. My head shall high - er be than all my foes a - round; I’ll in my Lord’s tent sac-ri-fice, and sing with joy - ful sound.