by James Appello & Sam Crawford Drugs & Nutrition by James Appello & Sam Crawford
Our Media-Saturated World Today, media is an ever-present aspect of our lives from the moment we are born. Along with the lessons of parents, teachers, and friends, media plays a large role in our socialization. Images in the media effect our perceptions of what is real or normal.
Presence of TV According the the Census Bureau, number of households in U.S. will reach 114.8 mil by 2010 (Day, 1996). Nielsen states that 114.9 mil homes in U.S. are equipped with a Television.
Presence of TV In 1997, children were estimated to have watched an average of 3 hours and 3 minutes of TV every day. “The typical child spends more time watching television than doing anything else except sleeping and adolescents spend more time watching television each year than they do in school” (Horgan, Choate, & Brownell, 2001, p. 448)
Advertising and Television What is it, then, that children are learning from television?
Food Advertising and Television Children are taught to want things through advertising. One of largest categories for advertising is food. On food ads: “Children ages 2 to 7 see an average of 30 hours of such ads a year. Kids 8 to 12 see 50 hours annually, while teenagers see 40 hours every year” (Cosgrove-Mather, 2007). Exposure to junk food ads accounts for 40% of food advertisements viewed.
Cartoon Characters One way that companies go about selling their unhealthy products to children is through the use of bright colors, exciting scenes, and recognizable cartoon characters.
Cartoon Characters Compare this with healthy ads aimed at adults. In a study by a Which? Company, none of 19 cartoon characters identified in stores were used to sell healthy food (Smith, 2008). Why do unhealthy food companies predoinantly use this method to appeal to children.
Cartoon Characters Not only do advertisers intentionally use memorable cartoon mascots to sell their products to children; product placements occur right in the media themselves! (2:00 and 7:00)
Children, Adolescents, Drugs, and the Media Using cartoons such as The Flintstones to sell cigarettes to children.
Cigarettes In 1994 a striking statistic was published by the Institute of Medicine Every year 400,000 Americans die from cigarette use. Another scary fact is that in 1994 the Department of Health and Human services said that about 3000 teenagers begin smoking each day
Cigarette Use Today According to a study in Rome the demand for tobacco across the globe will increase by 2010 due to population and income growth. But in developed countries such as the US and China smoking tobacco will slowly decrease due to the number of health risks that are caused by smoking. By 2010 the consumption of tobacco in developed countries will have dropped 5% from 1998, going from 34% to 29%.
Why Smoke? "Smoking helps me relax when I'm tense or upset. I light up a cigarette when something makes me angry. Smoking relaxes me in a stressful situation. When I'm depressed I reach for a cigarette to feel better.” "I crave cigarettes; smoking is an addiction. When I run out of cigarettes, it's almost unbearable until I get more. I am very aware of not smoking when I don't have a cigarette in my hand. When I haven't smoked for a while I get a gnawing hunger for a cigarette.” "I smoke cigarettes automatically without being aware of it. I light up a cigarette without realizing I have one burning in an ashtray. I find a cigarette in my mouth and don't remember putting it there."
Why Smoke? "Smoking gives me more energy. I smoke to keep from slowing down. I reach for a cigarette when I need a lift. When I'm tired, smoking perks me up.” "I like to touch and handle cigarettes. I feel more comfortable with a cigarette in my hand. I enjoy getting a cigarette out of the pack and lighting up. I like to watch the smoke when I exhale.” "Smoking makes good times better. I want a cigarette most when I am comfortable and relaxed.”
Media and Anti-Smoking TV has recently been airing more commercials about not smoking.
Alcohol According to Doyle in the textbook more than 100,000 Americans die a year from excessive consumption of alcohol With alcohol being depicted in parties on TV, Movies, and music videos adolescents and teens believe that consuming alcohol is alright.
Ads, Videos, Etc Mr. Magoo Super Bowl Beer commercial Tiny Toons Super Bowl Beer commercial Tiny Toons
Anti-Alcohol Ads Foreign