A great university: a great library Institutional Knowledge Management – Building a Knowledge Bank at the Ohio State University Joseph J. Branin Director of Libraries The Ohio State University 9 th Hong Kong Web Symposium December 6, 2003
Squeeze Collection Center for Epigraphical and Paleographical Studies
Ohio States Knowledge Bank
What is Unique About Ohio State? The facultys intellectual property Interest by some faculty to integrate, share, and market this valuable commodity Desire and pressure to extend and deepen learning Many collections already existed
Knowledge Management Context At the Ohio State University, the Knowledge Bank project places its institutional repository in the larger context of a multifaceted knowledge management program. – The university librarys traditional focus on collecting, storing, and preserving published scholarly material is related and extended to new responsibilities for handling unpublished digital assets such as working papers, research databases, and multimedia course material. – Administrative and academic computings responsibilities for data warehousing, teaching technology, and course management systems also are related to the institutional repository through the Knowledge Bank project. – And other knowledge management activities such as the development of expertise directories and information policies for rights and privacy are viewed as related parts of an overall knowledge management program.
Knowledge Management Basics 1.Data, information, and knowledge 2.Tacit and explicit knowledge 3.The dynamic and social nature of knowledge management Peter Drucker, The Coming of the new organization, Harvard Business Review, 1988 Special issue on Knowledge Management in Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2002
Knowledge Management Definitions Data = simple, discrete facts and figures Information = data organized for a meaningful purpose Knowledge = Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experience and information. It originates and is applied in the minds of knowers. In organizations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents and repositories but also in organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms. (Davenport and Prusak)
Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Formally articulated Documented Stored in repositories Reports, lessons learned Fixed, codified Transferred through conversations Difficult to articulate or unspoken Held within self, personal Insight and understanding Judgments, assumptions From Claire McInernye, JASIST, 2002
The Nature of Knowledge Management Knowledge happens in and among people; it is the social life of information Inclusive or enterprise-wide view of data, information, and knowledge Managing expertise Creating a culture of learning and of sharing knowledge Dynamic process of creation, elicitation, and sharing
Digital Knowledge Bank at OSU Online Published Material E-books, e-journals, government documents, handbooks Online Reference Tools Catalogs, indexes, dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories Online Information Services Scholars portal, alumni portal, chat reference, online tutorials,, e-reserves, e-course packs, technology help center Electronic Records Management Administrative Data Warehouse Digital Publishing Assistance Pre-print services E-books, e-journal support Web site development and maintenance Information/IP Policy Development Faculty Expertise Directory Digital Institutional Repository Digital special collections Rich media (multimedia) Data sets and files Theses/dissertations Faculty publications, pre- publications, working papers Educational materials Learning objects Course reserves/E-course pack materials Course Web sites Research/Development in Digital Information Services User needs studies Applying best practice Assistance with Technology Transfer
Institutional Repository Definition Although institutional repositories are still evolving and taking on differing manifestations in specific institutions, they can be defined in general as systems and service models designed to collect, organize, store, share, and preserve an institutions digital information or knowledge assets worthy of such investment. This may, of course, sound very much like a library, and in many cases an institutions library should and is taking responsibility for developing and operating such a digital repository. But while the mission of an institutional repository coincides nicely with that of a library, the technical infrastructure and the types of material collected in such a repository present new challenges and extended responsibilities for the traditional library.
Digital Content (Asset) Management Maturing The Open Archival Information System (OAIS) model developed by an international group of information technology organizations spearheaded by NASAs Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, which offers a comprehensive logical model describing all the functions required in a digital repository The Open Archives Initiative from the library and scientific community, which has developed an Open Archives Metadata Harvesting Protocol (OAI-PMH) that defines a mechanism for harvesting XML- formatted metadata from repositories
Digital Asset Management Maturing (continued) A Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) developed under the sponsorship of the Digital Library Federation, which provides a schema for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structured metadata in a digital repository or library Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model (SCRORM) developed by the federal government agency Advanced Distributed Learning to provide guidance for the preparation and storage of digital educational material so that such material is reusable, accessible, interoperable, and durable.
) Digital Asset Management Maturing (continued) Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata (PRISM), a schema under development by the publishing industry to create a common language for the metadata that describes published digital assets Open source and proprietary software systems such as Dspace, ePrints, FEDORA, bepress, Documentum, CONTENTdm, IBMs Content Management, and Artesias TEAMS that offer technical infrastructure options for implementing all or part of an institutional repository
OAIS Functional Model
Dspace Model
Cooperative Organizational Approach to Developing the Knowledge Bank The Ohio State University Libraries, Chief Information Officer, Office of Research, University Press, Academic faculty and technologists OhioLINK Member libraries, Ohio Learning Network, Ohio Super Computer Digital Media Center (Documentum platform) MIT: DSpace Federation OCLC
Getting the Knowledge Bank Underway 1.Vision, general plan (done) 2.Funding – reallocation, University start up funds, State grant (done) 3.Create digital repository program – deploy Dspace and extent OhioLinks Digital Media Center (underway) 4.Develop and deploy a service model (underway) 5.Engage faculty (underway)
Types of Material for Repository Electronic Theses and Dissertations Graduate school requirement for all new Ph.D. dissertations Working with undergraduate honors program to move digital with honors theses
Types of Material for Repository Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center publications Annual reports Working papers Conference proceedings Multimedia material
Types of Material for Repository Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center publications Annual reports Working papers Conference proceedings Multimedia material Course material
Types of Material for Repository Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center publications Annual reports Working papers Conference proceedings Multimedia material Course material Library resources
Biggest Challenges in Creating an Institutional Repository Faculty Engagement Bibliographer/Selector liaison Campus Inventory of Digital Projects Expertise Directory Communities of Practice Grants Program Requirement Technical Assurances and Standards Digital Preservation (Open Archive Information System OAIS Reference Model) Degrees of Digital Access (Open Archive Initiative OAI-PMH)
Worldwide Resources Columbus & Ohio Resources OSU Central Databases OSU Academic Unit Databases OSU Faculty Data Knowledge Bank Engine Internet OARNet OSU SONNET Network The OSU Knowledge Bank Unified Access Knowledge Bank Team Diverse Sources Integrated Information Leadership Training Coordination Standards Technical Support Business Partnerships Collaborative Research Enriched Instruction + New Technology Trusted Archive