ELHS SOPHOMORE AND JUNIOR CLASS PARENT NIGHT Thursday, October 25th, 2018 6:30 PM ELHS Auditorium “Like” East Lyme High School Counseling Office “Follow us” on Twitter @ELHSCounseling
COUNSELORS AND SUPPORTS Elizabeth Maiese: A-Cho Emily Cacace: Chr - Go Allison Kosswig: Gr - L Christy Bryant: M - P Lisa Ramaccia: Q – Sm Nadine Barnes: Sn – Z Counseling Office Admin. Assistant : Anne Astley Administrative Assistant: Terri Mauthe District Security Officer: Chris Olsen College & Career Center: Sue Marks & Nora Daly
ADDITIONAL SUPPORTS Krissy Konesky – School Psychologist – Grade 2021/2019 Chris Mountain – School Psychologist – Grade 2022/2020 Ben Backes – Substance Abuse Counselor Matt Clement – Social Worker
WHAT WILL THIS PROGRAM COVER? Things to know during the middle years of high school… 10th and 11th grade Counseling Curriculum Naviance ELHS District & CT State Testing SAT/ACT/ASVAB Career Concentrations ECE/CCP Classes
SO FAR THIS YEAR… Oct 2rd – College Fair (over 130 schools!) Oct 10th – PSAT’s for grades 9-11 Oct 22-26th- Spirit Week Oct 29th-Nov 1st- Junior classrooms
WHAT IS THE COUNSELING CURRICULUM? Structured classes taught by counselors designed to teach specific developmental competencies In other words, these lessons are meant to help each student: 1) learn more about themselves Learning style Personality traits Interests 2) learn about career options career clusters and options (interests and skills) what training or education is needed to achieve career goals 3) postsecondary planning College search Technical Schools Military Programs
SOPHOMORE TIMELINE September/October /November PSAT December/January/February Classrooms (career interest) March/April/May schedules and select courses based on interest Classrooms (personality assessments)
JUNIOR TIMELINE September/October PSAT college fair November/December/January Classrooms (career search/college search) February /March schedules small group meetings with counselors SAT in school April/May /June sign up for SAT/ACT schedule visits for schools
School Administered Assessment Timetable Fall Spring Grade 9 PSAT9 x Grade 10 PSAT PSAT 10/NGSS Grade 11 SAT Student-Choice Tests ACT SATs beyond the mandatory Spring test for Grade 11 STAR/ReadingPlus- based on student progress
SCHOOL DAY SAT, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 All Juniors take SAT All Sophomores take SAT 10 Career and Armed Services Fair
HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR TESTS? Academic classes PSAT tests/practice - Outside of school practice What is the PSAT? It's a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT®. It also gives you a chance to enter NMSC scholarship programs and gain access to college and career planning tools. The PSAT/SAT measures: Critical reading skills, Math problem-solving skills, and Writing skills. RESULTS Available: December 7th on Collegeboard
WHAT ARE THE SAT AND THE ACT? Both the SAT and ACT are standardized tests used by numerous colleges and universities as part of the application process. We recommend that every junior who thinks they may apply to college take one or both of these tests. The SAT and other College Board tests are offered several times a year. Most students take the SAT for the first time during the spring of their junior year and a second time during the fall of their senior year. The ACT test is a college entrance exam covering English, reading, math, and science. It measures what students have learned in high school.
ADDITIONAL TEST PREP Khan Academy Classes available to take PSAT’s scores will be posted Dec. 7th Classes available to take listed on Naviance and cost dependent upon company ACT/SAT book swap in the Library First come, first serve CollegeBoard.org or ACT.org “question of the day”
Talk to you counselor for more details. ASVAB @ ELHS The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is the most widely used multiple-aptitude test battery in the world. As an aptitude test, the ASVAB measures your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success. The ASVAB also provides you with career information for various civilian and military occupations and is an indicator for success in future endeavors whether you choose to go to college, vocational school, or a military career. Grade 12 Talk to you counselor for more details.
CAREER CONCENTRATIONS Applications are on Google Classroom, and will be available 2nd semester- see your counselor for code Career Concentrations will be recognized on the transcript Performing Arts Visual Arts STEM Hospitality Manufacturing Print/Digital Communication Broadcasting Education Career Concentrations at ELHS allow students who are interested in a particular career path to receive a certificate of accomplishment for successfully completing courses that help prepare them for a related career field.
EARLY COLLEGE EXPERIENCE CLASSES Students earn college credit through the University of Connecticut, but classes are taught here by ELHS staff. Human Development ECE Calculus BC ECE English 12 ECE French V ECE Spanish V ECE Medical Terminology ECE Potential Future Course Offered: Engineering ECE
College Career Pathways (CCP) Earn College Credits through Three Rivers Community College How to enroll? Students register with their teachers in class at the beginning of the year, and mail them in Classes include: Marine Biology 2, Honors Chemistry, Physics A, Applied Physics, Pre-K Lab, Algebra 2 Honors, Algebra 2A, and Algebra 2B
COUNSELING WEBSITE https://www.eastlymeschools.org/high-school/counseling
WORKING PAPERS ct.gov/dol Promise of Employment Letter Where do you get it? Employers/supervisors provide minors with the form What will it include? number of work hours/week, hourly pay rate, and the duties performed at the job Name and address of place of employment, as well as, the supervisor’s signature
Getting Your Working Papers from School ▪Who handles this at ELHS? Attendance secretary – A250 Mrs. Williams-Lapides ▪ What you will need… - Promise of Employment letter - Birth Certificate (proof of age) or Passport - Social Security #
STAY INVOLVED. discuss future options take interest in activities have clear expectations study skills/time management help them find balance discuss relationships encourage students to have a voice help maintain usernames and passwords log in to Naviance log in to College Board with your child (be careful not to create duplicate accounts!)
CLASS RINGS Derek Turbacuski Herff Jones, LLC djturbacuski@herffjones.com
IMPORTANT DATES November 1st, 2018 Financial Aid Night, ELHS auditorium, 6:30pm (FAFSA) February 7th, 2019 Junior College Planning Parent Night February 28th, 2019 Financial Aid Night, ELHS auditorium, 6:30pm (Financial Planning)