What is Geography? More importantly why are we studying it? Geography is more than just memorizing maps. It is the study of a wide range of issues and places. Geographers developed the five themes of geography to go beyond a simple understanding of the world. Over the course of the semester we will look at different regions of the world with a focus on Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. We will need to use these five themes in order to understand these regions of the world. You will learn to read, write, and think like a geographer.
Writing for Geography – RW 2-5 Narrative Essay - Tells a story about a personal experience. Persuasive Essay - Writing that supports an opinion or position. Expository Essay - Writing that explains a process, compares and contrasts, explains causes and effects, or explores solutions to a problem. Research - Writing that presents research about a topic. With your partner, think of an example of how you would use each of these types of writing in global studies.
Reading Informational Text - RW 1 Analyzing Author’s Purpose The reason the author is writing the text. What are some reasons an author would write something? Sometimes the purpose is directly stated. Sometimes you will have to figure it out. Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions What can be proven and what cannot. Identify Evidence Don’t just accept everything the author says as true. Make sure the author has proved his/her point. Evaluate Credibility Is this an author or cite you should believe? Do you think they know what they are talking about? What questions?
Five Themes of Geography: 10-13 1. Location- is where the place or thing that we are looking at is located. Absolute Location: exact location, it’s unique to that place. ex. coordinates, address Relative Location: describes the location, not specific. ex. It’s close by, it’s straight ahead. Additional Vocab: Cardinal Directions, Latitude, Longitude
Five Themes of Geography 2. Regions- Geographers use the theme of regions to group places that have something in common. This common characteristic can either be human or physical. Physical – grouping of something that occurs in the world naturally. ex. mountains, rainforest. Human – grouping of something that is human made. ex. school district, countries, languages.
Five Themes of Geography 3. Place- Describes human and physical features at a specific location. Physical – its hilly, flat. Human- how people live, what they look like, religion, language.
Five Themes of Geography 4. Movement- explains how people, goods, and ideas get from one place to another. ex. American music popular in other countries.
Five Themes of Geography 5. Human-Environment Interaction- How people affect their environment and how the environment affects them. -Weather ----> Clothes -Pollution ----> Destroys the environment Now we are going to practice….and yes you will be turning this in. Start the semester off right.
5 Themes of Geography Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIqC79WrpKg
1.Which of the five themes does this represent? Region Location Place Movement Human-Environment Interaction 2700 E. 42nd Des Moines, IA 50317
2.Which of the five themes does this represent? Region Location Place Movement Human-Environment Interaction
3. Which of the five themes does this represent? Region Location Place Movement Human-Environment Interaction
4.Which of the five themes does this represent? Region Location Place Movement Human-Environment Interaction
5. Which of the five themes does this represent? Region Location Place Movement Human-Environment Interaction
Was that easy? It’s okay if it wasn’t. We are going to be looking at the five themes of geography throughout the year. You’re going to have these memorized by the end of the unit. Exit Slip- in your spiral. (2-3 sentences) Why did geographers create the five themes?