Mobile-Agent Scalability Mobility TIE Mobile-Agent Scalability Dartmouth University of West Florida Mobile-Agent versus Client-Server Performance Scalability in an Information Retrieval Task (Contact: Ron Peterson, David Kotz, Robert Gray, Ronald Peterson Dartmouth College Peter Gerkin, Martin Hofmann Lockheed Martin Niranjan Suri, Greg Hall, Paul Groth, Maggie Breedy University of West Florida Military Application Scenario Testbed Mobile Agent Mobile information server Server Clients in the field Clients Scenario Parameters The following parameters were varied: * Number of clients: 1 client to 10 clients * Network bandwidth shared by all clients to the server: 1, 10, 100Mbps * Percentage of documents found relevant: 5%, 20% Fixed document size: 4096 bytes Fixed query rate: 1 query per 2 seconds per client +/-0.25 queries/second Comparison of mobile-agent versus client-server implementations of an information retrieval task. Goal is to reduce bandwidth utilization to be able to service more clients. Application is useful in low bandwidth environments such as wireless data links where reconfigurability via code distribution is important. Results Client-Server BANDWIDTH Legend D’Agents EMAA 100 Mbps 10 Mbps 1 Mbps NOMADS Latency Client-Server/Mobile-Agent Performance Ratio Future Work: Lessons Learned: Greater number of clients More bandwidths More agent systems Mobile Agent performance scales well Server design important Mobile-Agents win at low bandwidth or with more clients Mobility TIE