Nouns, Adjectives and Pronouns Using the Possessive: Nouns, Adjectives and Pronouns
Forming the Possessive with Nouns Form = Noun + ’s + object Example Lidia’s car. Jorge’s iPod. If the noun ends with s just add ’ The owners’ money The horses’ stable.
Practice: Nouns The car that Nancy drives. The ice cream that Melvin bought. A notebook that belongs to Fiorelis. The job that Ignacio got. The food that the girls make.
Adjectives and Pronouns Subject Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun I = Yo My = Mi Mine = Mío You Your Yours They Their Theirs We Our Ours He His She Her Hers It Its
Practice: Adjectives I have a cookie. This is ___________ cookie. José has a new book. The book is ________________. Melissa forgot _____________ keys. Zulimar, I love _____________bag! Héctor and Noel did _____________ homework. The dog did not eat ___________food. Luis and Kritzia, are these __________________ sodas?
Practice: Pronouns 1. I have a book. The book is __________________. 2. You have a laptop. It is ______________. 3. They own a house. The house is _______________. 4. We share a room. It is ________________ room. 5. She found a $10.00 bill and now it is _____________.