Ask these questions to identify the Direct and Indirect Objects: 1) What is the verb? 2) What is being _(verb)__? Answer: The Direct (DO) 3) To whom is it being __(verb)__? Answer: The Indirect (IO) Sentences may include either DO or IO or both. Sentences may include DO pronouns and/or IO pronouns. Sentences with both DO and IO pronouns are called Double Object Pronouns (DOP) Follow the examples on the next slide to practice:
I bought the red shoes for (para) Paul. Practicing Direct Oject Pronouns and Indirect Object Pronouns. Translate and label the V, DO, IO: I bought the red shoes for (para) Paul. Compré los zapatos rojos para Pablo. I bought the red shoes for him. Le compré los zapatos rojos. I bought them for Paul. Los compré para Pablo. I bought them for him. (Double Object Pronouns.) Le los compré. Se los compré. Pero…… You can’t le lo in Mexico…