Kanta Kumari Rigaud Lead Adaptation Specialist World Bank


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Presentation transcript:

Kanta Kumari Rigaud Lead Adaptation Specialist World Bank Pre-Conference on Reducing vulnerability due to Climate Change Impacts, Land Degradation & Biodiversity Loss - Challenges and Opportunities for LDCs - Contributions from the World Bank Kanta Kumari Rigaud Lead Adaptation Specialist World Bank

Outline of Presentation WB and Climate Change IDA-16 and Climate Change PPCR – introduction and some early lessons Priority Areas and Measures to Target in LDCs wrt to Climate Change – proposals for consideration WB Priorities in LDCs WB involvement in the UN-LDC IV Conference

World Bank & Climate Change WB fully recognizes CC change as a core development issue: strengthening resilience of communities and economies to climate risks remains the top priority The Strategic Framework on Development and Climate Change (SFDC) sets out WB’s road map to CC SFDCC has six action areas Support climate actions in country-led development processes; Mobilize additional concessional and innovative finance; Facilitate the development of market-based financing mechanisms; Leverage private sector resources; Support accelerated development and deployment of new technologies; and Step up policy research, knowledge, and capacity building. June 2010 – progress report which reaffirmed the road-map and highlighted directions for remaining period. Going forward, three processes are key: post-Copenhagen actions and decisions by UNFCCC parties, IDA replenishment, and IBRD capital review. Recognized the complementary role of development finance and climate finance

IDA-16 and Climate Change excellent basis for enhanced interventions in climate adaptation the baseline for making investments more climate resilient There are 4 new special themes Crisis Response Window (could potentially include response for climate induced extreme events, among other types of crises) Accelerating Progress on Gender Relations (achieving MDG) Achieving Climate Resilient Development Support Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries (FCCs) Additionally, some other climate related commitments screening of all IDA Operations for climate resilience, mandatory discussion of climate change in all IDA Country CAS/CPSs, setting-up new ways to track our climate change projects.

Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) Purpose To help highly vulnerable countries pilot and demonstrate ways to integrate climate risk and resilience into core development planning while complementing other ongoing activities. Transformational change in development Scale - $900 million in pledges, mainly grants with option to augment with IDA-like resources Each pilot : $20-80 mil grants/concessional financing Measuring Success Increased capacity to integrate climate resilience into development Increased awareness of vulnerabilities and potential impacts Scaled-up investments for broader interventions and programming Improved coordination among stakeholders Pilot Countries Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Tajikistan, YEMEN, Zambia -- 2 regional programs in Caribbean (Haiti, Jamaica and OECS countries) South Pacific (Tonga, Samoa, PNG).

Implementation Status of PPCR Approval of SPCRs (Strategic Program for Climate Resilience with investment plans) Three approved: Bangladesh, Niger and Tajikistan First investment from Tajikistan has been submitted to PPCC-SC for approval remaining SPCRs (6 single country and regional programs from the Caribbean and Pacific) anticipated to be approved before the end of 2011. Lessons for broader engagement The formulation of SPCRs could contribute to the preparation of NAPS Investments will provide an opportunity to learn and showcase various applications of climate resilience - including risk management and insurance – for other LDCs

Early Lesson from PPCR Country leadership: PPCR places a strong emphasis on this role Observations: Realistic when facilitated; Institutional structures which lead -variable; has helped to bring sectors together Transformational change: different interpretations of “transformational change” demonstrate that stakeholders are defining this PPCR goal in the context of their own country’s circumstances. Important to inform the NAPs process. Participatory consultations: By encouraging better relationships between governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, and other stakeholders, the PPCR has contributed to the participatory process in pilot countries. Private Sector engagement is still challenging - Broadening private sector engagement in PPCR may take a shift in thinking to attract viable partners. Financial incentive: PPCR provides pilot country governments with financial incentives to develop strategic programs for climate resilience that build on relevant country programs and strategies, such as National Adaptation Programs of Action. Leverage: Building on ongoing development, PPCR able to secure at-scale change in sectors

Priority Actions and Measures to Target in LDCs Information & institutional capacity on climate and weather information systems Assist countries in upgrading and improving their climate information systems to respond to CC in support of economic development in key sectors : human capacity, equipment and infrastructure, datasets, modeling Promoting effective and comprehensive approach to risk reduction and sustainable development Supporting synergies and complementarities linking climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction, food security risk, and integrated financial risk management. Promoting integrated approaches like ecosystem based adaption – holistic – multiple wins Customized adaptation approach for client countries, building on the following elements NAPs and NAPAs Piloting and scaling-up Menu of options: low-regrets measures, climate proofing, leap-frogging and mainstreaming Going for multiple wins where possible (e.g. triple dividends from agriculture) Learning from pilot programs (e.g. CIF programs - PPCR, FIP etc) Building capacity of LDCs to access climate finance As multiple channels of climate finance will likely continue, these vulnerable countries need special support to access these funds

WB Priorities in LDCs Support larger UNFCCC process, Rio +20 and other processes CIF: Effective and timely delivery of CIF program, (incl. PPCR) And scale-up and extension to other LDCs IDA and IBRD deliveries - increasing attention to climate resilience in parallel to convention processes Piloting integration of climate adaptation, disaster risk and green development initiatives Support for the Least Developed Countries to achieve substantially their NAPA goals and to move on to developing NAPs: Capacity to use, blend, and package various instruments leveraging significant resources is important Green development – Biodiversity, LD , CC Knowledge products and tools Analytical products – disseminate and apply Economic of Adaptation to CC, Ecosystem based approaches to climate change (2009), Biodiversity, Climate Change and Adaptation; Agricultural Development under a Changing Climate ; Social Dimensions of Climate Change, Natural Hazards, Unnatural Disasters - the Economics of Effective Prevention (2010) Tools: Climate portal, GFDRR – development of Country Adaptation profiles. for fast and easy operational reference; Continue pioneering climate risk financing solutions building on experiences in CCRIF. CAT DDO, etc.

UN-LDC IV Conference (Istanbul, Turkey May 9-13, 2011) KEY BANK INPUTS TO CONFERENCE: Support to LDCs is at the core of the Bank’s business; the Bank will remain a strong partner of LDCs, as demonstrated by the recent successful replenishment of IDA. IFC has also increased the number of its transactions in LICs. The Bank is actively engaged in the preparation process of the Conference and is expected to play an active role in Istanbul, including through participation in the High Level Plenary, in the organization of side events in tandem with UN partners and Member States, etc. Some planned side-events include on themes of Innovative Financing, Aid for Trade/Aid Effectiveness, Remittance and Payments, African Success Stories, Global Disaster Risk Reduction in LDCs. LDCs are key partners with a strong potential, and we can think of a number of success stories and countries having “graduated” from the LIC/LDC group. We will showcase the good stories as well, and how IDA in particular is helping LDCs. The LDC agenda is broad and multidimensional. It will certainly build on the MDG Summit ( “no MDGs without LDCs”). Yet, it will be important to identify concrete, actionable deliverables. We thank Finland for leading the Preparatory Committee Meetings and the Office of the UN High Representative for LDCs, Landlocked Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS) for convening today’s pre-conference meeting and for their leadership in the UN-LDC IV Conference.