Touch Method QWERTY Key or Type without looking at your hands. Look at the copy you are typing from or your screen. Memorize the location of the keys. QWERTY
Homerow Keys asdf left hand jkl; right hand Home Keys or Homerow Starting Point Memorize these keys and reach to the others
Key Memorization Saves Time Improves Speed Can Be Frustrating Looking at Your Hands
Reaches Alphabetic Numeric Symbols Function Keys
Finger Placement d s k f l j a ; enter return spacebar
Finger Identification L2 L1 R2 L3 R3 R1 L4 R4 thumb
Keyboarding Positions Sit Up Straight Feet Flat on Floor in Front of Chair Eyes on Copy Keyboard Aligned with Center of Body G & H in Center Wrists Low/Relaxed but not Touching Keyboard Quick Snappy Strokes
Spacing SS - Single Space no blank lines DS - Double Space 1 blank line TS - Triple Space 2 blank lines QS - Quadruple Space 3 blank lines