“Alpine Space: the leading hub for scaling up business” Consortium meeting Turin 21.09.2018 SCALE (up) ALPS is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme
“Alpine Space: the leading hub for scaling up business” Project aim and outputs “Alpine Space: the leading hub for scaling up business” AIM: fostering AS start-up scale up, branding AS as a cooperative area for innovative businesses and job creation. Main outputs will be: 1)connect AS ecosystem policies & communities of practice; 2)select policies expanding the n. & quality of AS serial entrepreneurs and fast-growing scalable ventures; 3)Produce amid-level feasibility plan, with high level recommendation on start-up ecosystems growth, reduce fragmentation increasing collaboration across disciplines & stakeholders; 4)design & test innovative public-private support schemes, corporate and capital matching, talent attraction, open market access improving innovation within entrepreneurial life cycle Fund Programme: Interreg Alpine Space Programme SCALE (up) ALPS is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme
“Alpine Space: the leading hub for scaling up business” Partners, duration, total budget “Alpine Space: the leading hub for scaling up business” Partners: 11 partners : Torino Chamber of Commerce City Metro TO Veneto Innovazione Tehnološki park Ljubljana Unternehmer TUM University of Lugano University Krems Carintian Economic Promotion Fund French Riviera Chamber of Commerce and Industry ARII PACA OZS 2. Duration: 01.11.2016 – 30.04.2019 3. Total Budget: 1.676.002. 55 (1.424.602,12 ERDF Funds through Interreg Alpine Space) SCALE (up) ALPS is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme
“Alpine Space: the leading hub for scaling up business” The Process/thematic WPs IDEA LAUNCH PILOT GROWTH Alpine Peer Leaning Labs Alpine Space Policy Action Groups Handbook about ecosystems and best practices in AS SWOT analysis of AS ecosystem Analysis of synergies and challenges of AS ecosystems Action plan / AS Road map Leadership Development Camp + Alpine Ecosystems Conference for stakeholders Identify policy enablers/funding programs on the local/regional/EU levels for full implementation of schemes Best 3 SMART support schemes as part of E-Handbook, so they can be implemented MoU among PPS Stakeholder relationship-building strategy Innovation clusters become strategic hubs AS sustainability plan including risk assessment ALPINE LEVEL 4 workshops Local Policy Action Group Questionnaire about local ecosystem Road map at local level Training for stakeholders Representation of local ecosystems using Start-up Ecosystem Canvas Growth Hacking Bootcamp for policy enablers Design and suggest support schemes for scale-up/startups Increase visibility of exemplary scale-ups Share specific needs and/or restrictions of individual regions regarding startup/scale-up ecosystems and the participation of stakeholders LOCAL LEVEL SCALE (up) ALPS is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme
“Alpine Space: the leading hub for scaling up business” GET IN TOUCH WITH US Nicoletta Marchiandi Quatraro (Torino Chamber of commerce) Lead partner Larisa Vodeb, OZS, PP4 @ScaleupAlps www.alpine-space.eu/projects/scale-up-alps/en/home @ScaleupAlps scalealps@to.camcom.it SCALE (up) ALPS is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme