Year 5 – Spring Term 1 Homework Menu Year 5 – Spring Term 1 Dear Children This is our Year 5 homework for the Spring term. You will need to complete all of the “must” activities as these will be followed up in class. The “should” and “could” activities are aimed to improve your understanding further. Dear Children This is our Year 5 homework for the Spring term. You will need to complete all of the “must” activities as these will be followed up in class. The “should” and “could” activities are aimed to improve your understanding further. Dear Parents Here is the Year 5 homework for this half term. The government recommendation for homework for a Y5 child is 2 and a half hours a week. If you would like to discuss your child’s homework further, please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher. Dear Parents Here is the Year 5 homework for this half term. The government recommendation for homework for a Y5 child is 2 and a half hours a week. If you would like to discuss your child’s homework further, please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher. Due in Morpurgo Shakespeare Must Read at least 3 times a week (reading challenge) Practise spellings ready for the weekly test Practise recall of times tables (up to 12 x 12) Practise recall of division facts for all tables Thursday Wednesday Due in by 14/2 You are a frog entering the last stage of life. Produce a piece of writing of your choice that shows the life cycle you have been through. Should Could Imagine you are David Attenborough and you are creating your own documentary about the life cycle of the butterfly. Write the script for or record the first episode! Due in Morpurgo Shakespeare Must Read at least 3 times a week (reading challenge) Practise spellings ready for the weekly test Practise recall of times tables (up to 12 x 12) Practise recall of division facts for all tables Thursday Wednesday Due in by 14/2 You are a frog entering the last stage of life. Produce a piece of writing of your choice that shows the life cycle you have been through. Should Could Imagine you are David Attenborough and you are creating your own documentary about the life cycle of the butterfly. Write the script for or record the first episode! NB – Any work completed on the computer can be emailed to the class email addresses NB – Any work completed on the computer can be emailed to the class email addresses