Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills for Humanities Students: An Art History Model © Mike Reese 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Introduction Mike Reese Sr. Information Technology Specialist Center of Educational Resources Johns Hopkins University mreese@jhu.edu
Presentation Agenda Background: Pedagogical Issues Discussion of Resources Developed Questions & Answers
Course Background Introduction to the History of European Art I and II Two semester course 2 lectures (50-90 students) per week led by professor 1 small group discussions (5-10 students) per week led by TA
Project Background Funding from Arthur Vining Davis Foundation Departments Involved History of Art Department Center for Educational Resources MSE Library Arts & Science Technology Support Implementation Spring & Fall 2002
Project Goals Enhance critical thinking skills Develop exam prep tools for students Expand student access to research materials Consolidate course resources Develop resources that could be repurposed for additional courses
Student Use 15% accessed 3 + times/week 55% accessed 1-2 times/week 30 % accessed 2 weeks before exam General Student Comments
Best Practices Multi-Departmental Team Department and Professor Buy-in Extensive Training Evaluation Focus Groups Mid-term Evals Department Hand-off
Thank You For more information about the project: http://cer.jhu.edu mreese@jhu.edu