Nara and Heian Period Japan Centralization of Japan, Cultural Diffusion from China, and the breakdown to the Feudal Period
Nara Period Japan ruled by the Yamato Clan/capital at Nara Longest ruling family in the world Native religion = Shinto Shinto = animistic/nature spirits Emperor = divine/descendent of the Sun Taika Reforms show influence of China, although NO Confucian bureaucracy Buddhism and Shinto were not opposed. Syncretism.
Heian Period Government = decentralized Culturally, a Golden Age/many women had prominent cultural roles Woman wrote the world’s first novel, about court life among the nobility Spiffy culture: Origami, tea ceremony, haiku, sumo Zen Buddhism
Feudal Period Noble families fought = increasing decentralization Emperor = figurehead. Shogun = powerful ruler/warlord Daimyo = equivalent to European Lords Samurai = warriors in vassal position to daimyo Bushido = Samurai code of ethics Samurai failure = Seppuku (belly-splitting)
Shinto Shrines are always in forests, which evokes the nature element within the religion. The emperor is considered by the religion to be the descendent of the gods.
Rice agriculture was imported to Japan in the early centuries C. E Rice agriculture was imported to Japan in the early centuries C.E. via China. Japan was a rugged area, difficult to farm.
As Chinese writing was adopted, other elements, like rice farming were, as well. This is a rice paddy with an old woman working the field.
Syncretism = fusing foreign cultural elements with your own to create something new. Buddhism was introduced to Japan in the 500s CE by the Tang Dynasty of China. This temple is red and very Buddhist looking! BUT, not all Japanese Buddhist temples will look that way.
Buddhist temple lion guardian; Thailand
Buddhist temple lion guardian; Japan These two guardians are simple, but also show syncretism moving Buddhist ideas from China to other Asian Areas.
Wooden Gate of the Nara Buddhist Temple (shows elements of Shino in the naturalistic wood, clean lines, simplistic forms)
Wooden temple of Nara; syncretic!
Mrs. Booth pets the sacred deer of Nara’s temple complex….
Extreme close-up: sacred deer of Nara
Syncretism! Buddhist dieties are present in this cemetery, but the cemetery is in the middle of a huge forest….this shows Shino elements.
Buddhist shine, Kyoto Japan. Shows syncretism, as well.
Zen rock garden and temple behind. Shows syncretism Zen rock garden and temple behind. Shows syncretism. It is Buddhist, but shows elements of Shinto and the Japanese esthetic.
Centralized power began to crumble at the end of the Heian period Centralized power began to crumble at the end of the Heian period. Emperor lost power, outlying provincial areas gained power; Japan enters feudal stage. This Buddhist monk begs for alms outside of an ancient fortified wall at Himeji, Japan.
Himeji, a Japanese castle Himeji, a Japanese castle. Fortified, strong rock walls with interior maze; sits high on hill, small windows; clearly built for defense and protection.