English Mock Results 7+ 11% 5+ 45% 4+ 65% We’re really pleased, but don’t lose your place in the race! Results based on last year’s grade boundaries – this is what your child would have achieved if they had sat the GCSE exam with the Year 11s last year (who had obviously had an extra four months of preparation).
What did they have to do in their mock exam? Students sat both Language Paper 1 and Paper 2, using the exact paper, mark scheme and grade boundaries as the Year 11s sat last year. They also sat a mixture of the two Literature papers, with one question on ‘Blood Brothers’ and one on ‘A Christmas Carol’. They will sit a ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and anthology poetry question later in the year.
Areas for development from the Literature mock exam Lack of revision – it’s never too early to start revising for the real exams! Attend revision sessions with your English teacher, revise in your own time, use revision cards. Giving up too easily and not writing for the full time – lack of revision?
How can you revise for English Literature? Read the texts again! Watching the films should be additional, not instead of reading the books. Complete revision activities as you read/watch the film version.
How can you revise for English Literature? Poetry Six key quotations, analysed in detail. Take two poems and bullet-point similarities and differences between them.
How can you revise for English Literature? Mind-maps Take a character, adjectives to describe them, key quotations. Take a theme, key quotations. Summarise key events in each scene/chapter.
How can you revise for English Literature? Flash cards Write quotations on the back and test yourself.
How can you revise for English Literature? Practice essays Answer essay questions that might come up in the exam. You will find lots of these on the school website. For Poetry, just choose two poems and make links between them.
How can you revise for English Literature? Pixl Lit app School ID: BD441 Username: ALEXANDERE Password: ALEXANDERE
How can you revise for English Language? Use Smith Proformas to identify areas for improvement. You will be given these in lessons next week. Use the practice questions on the school website to work on the areas you need to practise.
Any Questions? liz.alexander@bedminsterdown.com rob.bedwell@bedminsterdown.com mark.tugwell@bedminsterdown.com scarlett.potticary@bedminsterdown.com marie.solomon@bedminsterdown.com