GC43 listening session June 12, 2018 OFFICE OF VOCATION GC43 listening session June 12, 2018
Office of Vocation Record of Proceedings 42nd General Council CR6 p146-147 The office of vocations [sic] will be overseen by an elected body honouring and living into intercultural mission and ministry, as described in Vision for Becoming an Intercultural Church; consisting of a balance of ministers whether ordained, diaconal, or designated lay ministers and lay people, with a variety of active experience.
Elected Body = Board of Vocation The Board of Vocation consists of 12 people with discretion to add another 2 to ensure appropriate balance of intercultural, ordained, diaconal, designated lay ministry, and lay members. The Indigenous Church would elect one Board member in addition to those elected by General Council.
Nomination process Should GC 43 decide to enact remit 3 Office of Vocation: Delegate its authority to approve the slate of nominees to General Council Executive. 13 Conferences nominate 5 people. GC Nominations Committee receive the names by August 15. Slate presented to GCE end September. Indigenous Church names a member to the Board.
Gaps in expertise or diversity? The General Secretary may invite additional nominees through related groups and networks, if needed, to address any gaps in the expertise or diversity of the pool.
Pool of nominees Remaining names from the pool of nominees provided to Board of Vocation. October 2018 Board of Vocation meets to name 6 candidacy boards serving same grouping of regional councils as the regional council executive ministers. Indigenous church names its candidacy board. Training – in person early November.
BOARD Of Vocation Remedial Committee Response Committee CANDIDACY BOARDS (7) Council on Learning Standards for Accreditation Response Committee Remedial Committee Review task group (reviewers) Formal hearing task group (formal hearing panels)
Candidacy Boards and the Board of Vocation If remits enacted: The Candidacy Pathway remit was predicated on the current system. The Office of Vocation is to determine the person’s fitness and readiness for accreditation to ministry. Many programs preparing candidates and DLM applicants for ministry are field based. Extensive consultation confirmed the wisdom that decisions about candidates should be made where the information is held. Local knowledge is essential.
Candidacy Boards as Commissions of the Board of Vocation The Candidacy Boards would have responsibilities outlined in the Candidacy Pathway including, but not limited to, Naming candidates* Terminating candidacy Determining readiness for accreditation for ordination, commissioning to the diaconal ministry, and recognising designated lay ministers. * the term candidates in this context includes designated lay ministry applicants.
Candidacy Boards also Deal with matters concerning candidacy including receiving concerns from The Circle of Accompaniment (phase 3) Determining the length of Supervised Ministry Education, each period of SME and the nature of SME placement. (phase 4) Assess the promise, suitability, readiness, and effectiveness of each candidate for ministry (phase 5) Confirm suitability and readiness for appouintment under field based preparation programs
Regional Councils Receive statement of readiness for ordination, commissioning and recognition of designation lay ministry from candidacy board. Receive confirmation of call or appointment. Conduct the new ministries service.