Enhancing life-long learning, teaching and research through information resources and services Friday, 11 January 2019
Libraries; Learning and Teaching; and the University Sue McKnight Director Libraries and Knowledge Resources Professor of Knowledge and Learning Management SCONUL Conference, 16 December 2008 , Friday, 11 January 2019
Overview Current Context and a bit about the past Challenges Opportunities SCONUL’s focus What next Friday, 11 January 2019
Context and History Libraries separate organisational unit Often linked to subject disciplines Often silos within silos Librarian’s Role Liaison with academic staff Reading lists Information literacy skills training needs for students Reference and collection development Information literacy skills training No explicit link with T&L, but providing support Changing nature of the student population More mature aged students –Student fees resulting in students needing part time jobs – studying full time, working part time Internet revolution and access to personal computing Demand for more Flexible Learning Options On-campus Off-campus Friday, 11 January 2019
L&T Developments Online and Blended Learning Increased use of technology to enhance delivery Increased complexity Librarians becoming more engaged with the online L&T environment Changing nature of the student population More mature aged students – part-timers Student fees resulting in students needing part time jobs – studying full time, working part time Internet revolution and access to personal computing Demand for more Flexible Learning Options On-campus Off-campus Friday, 11 January 2019
Once online, the distinction between where the curriculum ends and the learning support begins is a nonsense! Library resources linked to online learning spaces; online library tutorials; librarians monitoring online discussions …. Distinction between on and off-campus students irrelevant as library services delivered online And isn’t this every student at some stage of their university life Friday, 11 January 2019
Challenges (and Opportunities) Friday, 11 January 2019
Stereotype of the Librarian Timid and shy; Bookish - Reading a life away Passive; Not wanting to change Lack of confidence Qualifications Peer versus supporter Rapid pace of technological change Lack of teaching and research record Friday, 11 January 2019
Environmental Changes Multiple customer demographics Web 2.0 and social networking anarchy Command and control versus facilitation and letting go Budget (always) Increased accountability Outcomes rather than inputs and outputs Value adding and return on investment Friday, 11 January 2019
Insularity Talk to Librarians Publish for librarians Joint academic and librarian authored papers few and far between Friday, 11 January 2019
Opportunities Friday, 11 January 2019
Partners in L&T Know thy customers! Luxury of being able to undertake independent research into student and academic staff needs Do not assume we know customer needs and values Demonstrate the value of ‘knowing the customer’ Improved satisfaction rates NSS results Aligning services to Learning and Teaching Strategies Using evidence to inform practices Joint development of online learning spaces to create seamless access to a wide range of content and services to “significantly improve learning experiences” Friday, 11 January 2019
Partners in L&T Incorporation of information literacy skills into the curriculum – a generic graduate attribute Imbedded into discipline specific information Assessable tests Pre and post learning assessments Co-teaching Development & redevelopment of education programs, integrating library resources Demonstrating link between teaching theory and teaching technologies (Laurillard, 2008) Interactive library tutorials Friday, 11 January 2019
Partners in L&T Academic professional staff development Academic staff are busy Require help in keeping up to date Induction Information literacy Academic literacy (not just information literacy!) IT skills VLE Research skills e.g. Bibliographic records management Plagiarism Intellectual Property and Copyright Accessibility Friday, 11 January 2019
Multi-faceted Librarian The Professional The Academic The Politician IT Savvy The Manager Friday, 11 January 2019
The Professional Librarian Professional Ethics No Censorship; Freedom of information Equitable access Culture of sharing and cooperation (pre-competitive) Service Culture; Focus on Students Information literacy included as generic attributes of a graduate and lifelong learner Creator and manager of information for L, T & R journals, databases, abstracts & indexes, picture archives … Friday, 11 January 2019
The Academic Librarian Undergraduate Degree – often discipline specific Postgraduate professional qualification in librarianship Increasingly holding postgraduate education qualification Not unusual for PhD qualifications Explicit role in information literacy teaching/training Strong culture of publication and dissemination of information on practice and research Friday, 11 January 2019
The Politician – (Education is essentially a political activity) Member of University Committees Academic Board; Faculty Boards; Research Committee; T&L Committee, IT Committee, … In touch with the academic community Academic staff Students Often in touch with members of the Board of Governors Member of university-wide working parties Union bargaining; quality assurance; awards Professional networkers (party goers!!) D. Laurillard = Digital technologies and their role in achieving our ambitions for education, Institute of Education, University of London, 2008 Friday, 11 January 2019
The IT-savvy Librarian Early adopters of technology, incl. Web 2.0 Aware of importance of standards authentication and single sign-on; Interfaces between systems; Interoperability Equitable access a professional imperative Good design for bandwidth issues; DDA compatibility; search engines across databases; e-document delivery ‘Bridger’ between IT departments and academic communities Support models; project teamwork; translator of needs and issues The Good Guys! Friday, 11 January 2019
The Manager Credibility Communicator, Negotiator and Advocate Big budget; Loads of staff Complex environment Communicator, Negotiator and Advocate Brokering deals with vendors, suppliers, university community Copyright and IP management – e.g. from library collections to curriculum resources and learning objects Strategic Planner Vision of the future guiding service development Customer Value Discovery Research Finger on the pulse! Friday, 11 January 2019
SCONUL’S FOCUS Friday, 11 January 2019
L&T Task and Finish Group Rationale Membership Terms of Reference Friday, 11 January 2019
L&T Task and Finish Group Outputs Clear messages about the beneficial, integral contributions of libraries to L&T Robust evidence base to support the assertions Series of research project reports Communications Plan Evaluation of the T&F Group Outcomes/Benefits Support for SCONUL members More informed stakeholders, customers, community Value Adding demonstrated Friday, 11 January 2019
No One will be Bored!!! Friday, 11 January 2019
Thank You Contact sue.mcknight@ntu.ac.uk Friday, 11 January 2019
Friday, 11 January 2019