Photo by -Reji - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
Wisdom The Holy Spirit gives each of us Wisdom. Wisdom is seeing with God's eyes, listening with Gods eyes and loving with God's eyes. (Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit May 2014) What memories, thought or feelings does this word WISDOM evoke in me? Who have been People of Wisdom in my formation? How do I be a person of Wisdom? How do I respond to the call to see, listen and love with Gods eyes? Silence for prayer and reflection ..... Spirit of Wisdom Enlighten us. Breath of life Spirit of Hope
Photo by lars hammar - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
Understanding This is what the Holy Spirit does with us: he opens our minds, he opens us to understand better, to understand better the things of God, human things, situations, all things. Let us ask ithe Lord to give us all this gift to understand the things that happen as he understands them, and to understand, above all, the Word of God in the Gospel. ( Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit May 2014) Reflect on the image of the Holy Spirit. Notice the colours, the lines and the shapes. What is God saying to me through this image? What do I want to say to God? Silence for prayer and reflection Spirit of Understanding Open my mind to know you are with me. Open my heart to be a sign of your love in our world Open my hands to serve others with a spirit of generosity and compassion.
Photo by nerdegutt - Creative Commons Attribution License https://www Created with Haiku Deck
Counsel In the Book of Psalms, we read: I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me” (Ps 16: 7). We all know how important it is in the most delicate moments to be able to count on the advice of people who are wise and who love us. Now, through the gift of counsel, it is God himself, through his spirit, who enlightens our heart so as to make us understand the right way to speak and to behave and the way to follow. (Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit May 2014) Reflect on these words and pray to the Holy Spirit asking for the gift of Counsel or Right Judgement. Breath Prayer Notice the pattern of your breath. Listen to the inbreath and the outbreath. Breathe in: Come Holy Spirit Breathe out: Calm my mind Breathe out: Touch my heart Breathe out: Bless my words
Photo by Kamil Porembiński - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
Courage We need to be strong every day of our lives, to carry forward our life, our family, our faith. The Apostle Paul said something that will benefit us to hear: “I can do all things in him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). When we face daily life, when difficulties arise, let us remember this: “I can do all things in him who strengthens me”. The Lord always strengthens us, he never lets strength lack. The Lord does not try us beyond our possibilities. He is always with us. (Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit May 2014) What memories, thought or feelings does this word COURAGE evoke in me? Who are the prophets of our time and place and how do they live out the gift of courage or fortitude? Silence for prayer and reflection ..... Pray in response to the words of Paul: I can do all things in him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). Spirit of Courage May we know your strength. Breath of God Spirit of Grace
Photo by *Pasha* - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
Knowledge Knowledge goes deeper than a collection of facts, and helps us in our pursuit of finding God in all things. The Holy Spirit’s gift of knowledge, enlightens our human perspective and helps us to see God in the whole of creation. The gift of knowledge puts us in tune with God’s gaze on things and on people. Through this spiritual gift, we are enabled to see every person, and the world around us, in the light of God’s loving plan. ( Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit May 2014) Reflect on these words and pray to the Holy Spirit asking for the gift of Knowledge. How might this gift of the Holy Spirit help me in my encountering God in the people I minister to? Spirit of Knowledge, help me to know Gods presence in all of creation. Spirit of Life, fill my emptiness with your fullness. Spirit of Comfort, bring me hope, consolation and renewal. Spirit of Compassion, help me to enfold others with your love and tenderness.
Photo by ~suchitra~ - Creative Commons Attribution License https://www Created with Haiku Deck
Reverence Reverence, or Piety, is the gift of the Spirit inspiring us to joyfully want to serve God and others. Listen to these words with the ear of your heart. This gift of the Spirit helps us to pass God's love on to others and to recognize them as our brothers and sisters. The gift of piety means to be truly capable of rejoicing with those who rejoice, of weeping with those who weep, of being close to those who are lonely or in anguish, of correcting those in error, of consoling the afflicted, of welcoming and helping those in need. The gift of piety, which the Holy Spirit gives us, makes us gentle, calm, patient, at peace with God and at the service of others. (Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit May 2014) Take time to read this quote to yourself. Choose a word or a phrase that captures your attention. Ask yourself what is God saying to you in this word or phrase. Reflect and pray with this word or phrase. Come, Holy Spirit, Come! Hold us as we reach out to hold those who are hurting and weeping. Fill us with a sense of calm and give us patience. Bless us with your gentleness and tenderness Amen
Photo by H2O Alchemist - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
Awe and Wonder Awe and Wonder or Fear of the Lord is the gift of wonder and respect that encourages us to be in awe of God. The gift of wonder and awe moves us to so love God that we do not want to offend God by our words or actions. Fear of the Lord is a joyful awareness of God’s grandeur and a grateful realisation that only in God, do our hearts find true peace. Through the fear of the Lord, we become, as Jesus asks us, like little children, trusting in the goodness and the protection of our heavenly Father. The Spirit enables us to persevere in loving obedience to the Word of God (Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit May 2014) Reflect on an experience, event, or person that aroused or renewed your sense of awe and wonder. Name in your heart a special place that always brings out your sense of awe and wonder; a place where you humbly encounter God. Holy Spirit, giver of awe and wonder Pray for us Holy Spirit, wellspring of life Holy Spirit, clear stream of refreshment and spring of renewal