NSRAC involvement in the Cross Border Marine Spatial Planning on the Dogger Bank David Goldsborough NSRAC Amsterdam, February 28 th 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

NSRAC involvement in the Cross Border Marine Spatial Planning on the Dogger Bank David Goldsborough NSRAC Amsterdam, February 28 th 2013

Focus presentation Observations and lessons learnt from the NSRAC marine spatial planning participatory stakeholder process on the Dogger Bank

Outline 1.MASPNOSE 2.The Dogger Bank (DB) 3.Spatial management of the DB 4.Stakeholder involvement 5.Main findings

1. The MASPNOSE project DGMARE funded (18 months) Preparatory action on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) MASPNOSE aimed to facilitate concrete, cross- border cooperation among European countries on ecosystem-based MSP Dogger Bank process as real case study

Two case studies in MASPNOSE Dogger Bank Thornton Bank

2. The Dogger Bank Largest sandbank in the North Sea Shallow dynamic flat top, surrounding slopes more stable Over 300 km long and max 120 km wide Overall 17,600 km 2 Nearest land 100 km UK Nutrient rich currents Important fishing grounds Wind farm area UK

3. Spatial management of the DB Fisheries Management in Relation to Nature Conservation Legal framework Natura 2000, Habitats directive: EU Habitat H1110 (sandbanks slightly covered by seawater all the time) Legal obligations Member States (UK, NL and GER) But also wind farm development (UK)

Three Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) UK NL GER

Conservation Objectives? German SAC objectives Dutch SAC objectives UK cSAC objectives

Fisheries where, when, how and by whom?

Forewind wind farm development (9GW) zone on the UK cSAC

Five benthic communities Van Moorsel, GWNM (2011) Species and habitats of the international Dogger Bank. ecosub, Doorn.

Danish sand eel fishing effort ( copyright ICES )

Beam trawl effort (copyright ICES)

4. Stakeholder involvement FIMPAS Institutional setting Four stakeholder processes MASPNOSE facilitation and support of NSRAC

FIMPAS: Fisheries Measures in Protected Areas (NL) In January 2011 FIMPAS recognises cross boundary nature of the Dogger Bank SACs and their fisheries, and an inter- governmental Dogger Bank Steering Group (DBSG) is set up DBSG invites a stakeholder-led North Sea Regional Advisory Council (NSRAC) proposal for a fisheries management plan for the combined Dogger Bank SAC area

Initial DBSG process for 2011

Institutional setting Dogger Bank Steering Group NSRAC FG Fishing industry NGOs MASPNOSE FOREWIND Liaison

Four MSP processes 1.May 2011 – October Stakeholder workshop Dublin November December 2011 – February March 2012 – April 2012 DBSG: NL (chair), UK, GER, DK, ICES, EC NSRAC FG: Fishing sector, NGOs, FOREWIND liaison, MASPNOSE

1. May 2011 – October 2011 NSRAC FG MASPNOSE Facilitation and budget including GIS support NSRAC position papers outlining a fisheries management plan for the combined area covered by the 3 national Natura 2000 sites (SACs) of the Dogger Bank

Meetings Scoping Meeting – Terms of Reference (TOR) Workshop 1 (June 2011) (24 hours) Workshop 2 (August 2011) (24 hours) Workshop 3 (October 2011) Position Paper

Facilitated stakeholder meetings

Interactive spatial tools – joint fact finding

Science on demand Where highest beam trawl fishing effort in period ?

Result NSRAC position papers outlining a fisheries management plan for the combined area covered by the 3 national Natura 2000 sites (SACs) of the Dogger Bank but no zoning proposal NSRAC receives observer status in DBSG

2. Stakeholder workshop Dublin Nov DBSG, NSRAC FG and other invited stakeholders Facilitation ICES Budget DBSG Reflect on proposal including three scenarios, developed with the assistance of ICES (led by Hans Lassen), drawing on some of the NSRACs elements but also including new elements, and –if required- provide input for a scenario four

Result NSRAC to continue to develop a zoning proposal within strict terms of reference set by the DBSG NSRAC FG to include DBSG observers (= NSRAC FG+)

3. December 2011 – February 2012 NSRAC FG+ Facilitation CMP and GIS support GEODAN Budget DBSG Member States and fishing sector (50:50) To develop a draft proposal, including a joint zoning proposal, for a fisheries management regime for the Dogger Bank

Meetings Scoping Meeting NSRAC FG+ (December 9th 2011) Workshop 1 (January 9th 2012) Workshop 2 (January 23rd 2012)

Result NSRAC could not agree on joint zoning proposal as elaborated in February, 2012 NSRAC SPWG report

Blue working map

4. March 2012 – April 2012 NSRAC FG+ and chair NSRAC Facilitation & Budget MASPNOSE To develop a draft proposal for a fisheries management regime for the Dogger Bank. This was a continuation of the objective of the third process

Meetings Scoping Meeting NSRAC FG with chair and vice-chair NSRAC (March 12th 2012) Workshop NSRAC FG working group (March 22nd 2012)

Result Final position paper on fisheries management in relation to nature conservation for the combined area of 3 national Natura 2000 sites (SACs) on the Dogger Bank, including two annexes explaining the rationale behind the NGO and industry zoning proposals

5. Main Findings Levels of engagement Process requirements Transparency Spatial Tools Key Principles NSRAC observations

Informing Consulting Coordinating Three levels of engagement

Clear (cross-border) process required

Transparency in front and back stage Front stageBack stage

Use geo-spatial tools Dogger Bank map-table session, August 2011

What needs to be added to EC 10 key principles on MSP? Establish mandate Financing of stakeholder involvement Adaptive management

Observations NSRAC process Terms of References agreed first Script with clear: o Rules of engagement o Roles & Tasks o All workshops set o Agreed output Transparency was key NSRAC FG Owner of process Trust is essential Members of FG take responsibility Start of dialogue based on content

Thank you!