Starter Quiz 1. Name the two Spartacist leaders TASK: Please write down the title, and 1-9 in your margin on a new sheet of paper. 1. Name the two Spartacist leaders 2. How may Freikorps did Kapp lead into Berlin in 1920 3. Name the campaign to get through the Dardanelles 4. How was the Kapp Putsch defeated 5. Name the group used to put down left wing uprisings 6. Where was Hitler born? 7. What is the German offensive of Spring 1918 also called? 8. How many Germans died due to lack of food in 1918? 9 How many casualties were there in clashes in the Ruhr industrial area in 1920? Last lesson = 1 pt Last week = 2 pt Last term = 3 pt
1. Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg Last lesson = 1 pt Last week = 2 pt Last term = 3 pt 1. Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg 2. 5000 3 Gallipoli 4. A General Strike 5. The Freikorps 6. Austria 7. Ludendorff Offensive 8. 294,000 9 2000
Germany 4: The Stresemann Years Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate how effective Stresemann was Key Words:
Revision Grids The revision grids include all the content from the specification. You fill them in using your knowledge, your exercise book, the textbook and internet research. You can either fill in a copy by hand or you can download a copy off the blog and complete it digitally (typing, cutting and pasting, importing pictures of your work). It is important that you work on these grids outside lessons and keep going over the material to help you remember the content.
Gustav Stresemann Born in 1878 University Educated Date Number of MPs elected 1919 300 left wing supporting the Republic 50 right wing supporting the Republic 60 right wing opposed to the Republic May 1924 155 left wing supporting the Republic. 45 Right Wing supporting the Republic 60 left wing opposed to the Republic 160 right wing opposed to the Republic 1928 250 left wing supporting the Republic 76 right wing supporting the Republic 50 left wing opposing the Republic 140 right wing opposing the Republic Born in 1878 University Educated Moderate right-wing politician Appointed Chancellor in 1923 1923-29 severed as foreign minister Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1926 Died October 1929 (just before Wall Street Crash) Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate : Evaluate how effective Stresemann was
Politics in the Stresemann Era Led by Gustav Stresemann politics in the Weimar period became more stable after the Ruhr Crisis and early unrest. The following parties tended to work together 1924-29 leading to more stable politics. The Socialists (SPD)- moderate left wing Catholic Centre Party- central German Democratic Party (DDP)- moderate left wing German People’s Party- right wing, moderate until Stressemann died Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate : Evaluate how effective Stresemann was
Politics in the Stresemann Era There were problems with parties that opposed the Weimar Republic still receiving votes (roughly 30% of votes): Left-Wing- The Communist Party Right-Wing- The Nationalist (DNVP) and the Nazis Party (won 32 seats in 1924 but only 12 in 1928) More worryingly Hindenburg a WWI General was elected in 1926, he was not a great supporter of the Republic and wrote to the Kaiser for approval before taking the post. Why was Hindenburg’s election potentially a big problem? Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate : Evaluate how effective Stresemann was
Economics in the Stresemann Era When the economy was going badly and the people were suffering then there were political problems in Germany. We have seen this with WWI and the Ruhr Crisis. It will happen again with the Depression but when the economy improved so did the political situation. Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate : Evaluate how effective Stresemann was
Problem 1: French troops in the Ruhr French troops had invaded because Germany had not kept up their reparation payments. A B C Stresemann, you must meet up with the Americans and ask them to reduce the reparation payments. No! Invade the Ruhr and fight the French forces. You may only have 100,000 soldiers left but it should be enough. Refuse to pay reparations any more; you can’t afford it can you?
Problem 1: French troops in the Ruhr And the scores are.. A B C 10 points 30 points 20 points
Problem 2: Hyperinflation Money had become worthless People’s lifelong savings had been lost Do you… A C B Print higher value notes. (e.g. 2 billion, 3 billion etc). That way people won’t have to use wheelbarrows to carry their money anymore. Invent a new currency and use it to completely replace the old German mark Wait for the currency to recover by itself. That way all those people’s savings will become worth something again.
Problem 2: Hyperinflation And the scores are…. A B C 30 points 10 points 20 points
A B C Problem 3: Reparations Factories are run down, there are only a few jobs, and poor schools, housing and hospitals. Germany has to pay reparations to France and Britain… A B C Organise a MASSIVE loan from America to help pay for new schools, house and hospitals and to create new jobs. Quietly build up the Germany army. This will help create new jobs. Let the economy recover on its own- it may be slower, but it is much cheaper and it will recover eventually
A C B Problem 3: Reparations 10 points 30 points 20 points And the scores are.. A C B 10 points 30 points 20 points
A B C Problem 4: No one trusts Germany Other countries don’t want to make alliances with Germany. Germany have been left out of the League of Nations A B C I know we’ve been banned from the Anschluss (making alliances with Austria). But they are our natural ally. We need to make the Anschluss once more We can get involved with lots of peace treaties with other countries. Let’s join the League of Nations too! Just sign on the dotted line…. We want to rebuild the German Empire. That way we can defend ourselves from our enemies.
A C B Problem 4: No one trusts Germany 30 points 10 points 20 points And the scores are…. A C B 30 points 10 points 20 points
Add up your scores…. Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate : Evaluate how effective Stresemann was 40-60 points: Well done! You are Gustav Stresemann. You brought in a new “golden age” in Weimar Germany! 70-90 points: Not great solutions, if you really want to be part of a peaceful Europe. Perhaps you have a future with the Nationalist Party, the Nazis… 100-120 points: Your ideas were very similar to those of Adolf Hitler. They were also what some Germans wanted- although the Nazi party was not yet very popular. Probably, your solutions would ultimately led to war…
New currency and Dawes and Young Plan Explain: The Dawes Plan (1924) The Locarno Treaties (1925) Industrial recovery (1928) The Young Plan (1929) The losers in the economic changes (p70) Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate : Evaluate how effective Stresemann was
Positives and Negatives: Stresemann Politics Economy Politics Economy Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate : Evaluate how effective Stresemann was
Weimar Culture in the Stresemann Era Read pages 71 and 72 Find evidence that Weimar Culture was exciting and progressive Explain why some people did not like Weimar Culture What was the Wandervogel movement and why were people attracted to it? Key Terms: Bauhaus Design- Style of design and architecture Decadence- moral or cultural decline, excessive indulgence in pleasure and luxury
Stresemann Issue What Stresemann did Positive Impact Negative Impact How good? Economy Politics Foreign Relations Art and Culture Get students to take one each!
How successful was Stresemann?’ Get kids to stand where they are NOT AT ALL VERY
Dates Video 8DFF7BD8&index=17 Use this video to create a timeline Good learning: Understand the problems faced by Germany 1922-9 Great learning: Explain the actions taken by Stresemann to improve the situation Even better: Evaluate : Evaluate how effective Stresemann was