Pulsed corona discharge oxidation in lignin modification
Pulsed Corona Discharge (PCD) technology Ultra-short gas-phase pulsed corona discharge generates OH-radicals from water In-situ production of oxidants ē + H2O = ē + ·H + ·OH O (1D) + H2O = 2·OH ē + 3O2 → ē + 2O3 Hydroxyl radicals are more effective than conventional oxidants such as oxygen, ozone, and chlorine The main application: Wastewater treatment removing organic impurities and metal ions
Lignin modification Objectives Determination of chemistry and optimum operating conditions of lignin modification for its utilization in valuable products by oxidation at maximum cost efficiency. possible products: phenolic substances aromatic aldehydes vanilin, syringaldehyde, vanillic acid, syringic acid Footer
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