Learning Objective: Today I will be able to summarize the results of blitzkrieg in WWII by writing the causes & effects of German invasions. Agenda: Learning Objective Lecture Notes: Ch. 16.1 WWII Begins continued… Cause & Effect Graphic Organizer No Exit Slip
Battle of Britain Luftwaffe (German air force) attacked British cities from, 1940-1941 Royal Air Force (RAF—British air force)were outnumbered. 2 technologies helped the RAF: Radar– tracking device that read speed & direction of incoming warplanes Enigma machine—German code-machine to decode German secret messages
Hitler called off attacks Battle of Britain ended in May 10, 1941 Hitler changed his focus to the Mediterranean & Eastern Europe.
Italy Invasion of North Africa Sep. 1940, Mussolini attacked North Africa after attacking France. During Battle of Britain, Mussolini seized control of Suez Canal & 60 miles deep into Egypt.
British took 130, 000 Italian prisoners Hitler backs up Italy By Feb 1941 Hitler backs up Italy General Erwin Rommel leads Afrika Korps against GB Rommel attacks & British retreat to Tobruk, Lybia British fought back, but by Jan 1942 Rommel seized Tobruk
War in the Balkans Hitler wanted to take over USSR, but attacked the Balkan countries to get to USSR Hitler persuaded & invaded Bulgaria, Romania & Hungary to join Axis Powers, early April 1941
Hitler Invades Soviet Union With the Balkans fully controlled, Hitler plans on the Operation Barbarossa To invade the Soviet Union June 22, 1941, Germans invade USSR Soviets unprepared.
Within a week, Germans move 500 miles deeps in USSR Soviets use scorched-earth strategy against Germans Destroy & burn within an enemy’s path
Sep. 8 1941, Germans seized Leningrad Pressures Stalin to surrender 2.5 million Soviets starve—German destroyed food warehouses. Nearly 1 million died of starvation (1941-42)
Invasion drags to winter Hitler sought to seize Moscow, capital of USSR Hitler refuses retreat as Soviets counterattacked. By march 1943, 500, 000 German troops died. Major German loss
Atlantic Charter Franklin D. Roosevelt & Winston Churchill met secretly & declared an Atlantic Charter Uphold free trade among nations & rights of ppl to choose their own gov. Serves as a peace plan after WWII
U.S. congress passed Lend-Lease Act, March 1941 To sell arms & goods to GB as long as it is cash & carry their own goods. Violated Neutrality Acts to maintain isolationism
Cause & Effect Graphic Organizer Topic/ Problem Fall of Poland Phony War Fall of France Battle of Britain War in the Balkans German Invasion of Soviet Union Use notes or textbook pgs. 491-496