Editing Techniques
Match Cut A match cut, also called a graphic match, is a cut in film editing between either two different objects, two different spaces, or two different compositions in which an object in the two shots graphically match, often helping to establish a strong continuity of action and linking the two shots metaphorically.
Flash Cutting Editing sequences so that the durations of the shots are very brief. Also referred as Short Cut - a cut that has a brief duration – less than two seconds.
Subliminal Cut A cut consisting of a few frames which zip by so fast that the viewer is only subliminally (subconsciously) aware of them.
Cross cutting editing that alternates shots of two or more lines of action occurring in different places, usually simultaneous.
Discontinuity editing any alternative system of joining shots together using techniques unacceptable within continuity editing principles. Possibilities include mismatching of temporal and spatial relations, violations of the axis of action, and concentration on graphic relationships. See elliptical editing, intellectual montage, non-diegetic insert.
Elliptical editing shot transitions that omit parts of an event, causing ellipsis in plot and story duration.
Jump Cut an elliptical cut that appears to be an interruption of a single shot. It occurs within a scene rather than between scenes, to condense the shot. Either the figures seem to change instantly against a constant background, or the background changes instantly while the figures remain constant.
Overlapping Editing cuts that repeat part or all of an action, thus expanding its viewing time and plot duration.
Invisible Editing Editing that is so smooth that viewers become engrossed in the movie and don’t notice the individual cuts. Also referred to as seamless editing
Line Cut Tape of the switches from one camera angle to the other that the multiple cam director called out as the show was shot.
Split Edit A video editing term for overlap. In a split edit the audio and video edit do not start at the same time; either video or audio is delayed. Also called an L cut or a delayed edit.