Meet Omri… Omri lives in England. Omri lives here We live here. Australia Has anyone been to England? What do you know about England? Do you think life in England is similar to life here in Sydney? We live here. Omri lives in England.
Setting – England
At the end of the day he goes back home. A day in Omri’s Life He goes to Yapp’s Corner Store after school with his best friend Patrick. At the end of the day he goes back home. He wakes up. Omri goes to school.
But on Omri’s 9th birthday his life changes when he gets three very ordinary presents… a cupboard A key, and …
Chapter 1 – Birthday Presents It was not that Omri didn’t appreciate Patrick’s birthday present to him. Far from it. He was really very grateful- sort of. It was, without a doubt, very kind of Patrick to give Omri anything at all, let alone a secondhand plastic Red Indian (Native American) which he himself had finished with.
Mr. Johnson Patrick Little Bull Tommy Atkins Boone Omri
What if Little Bull lived in your bedroom… what would your mum think?
What might he need?