Agenda Item 5: Review of the list of priority substances (Decision 2455/2001/EC): (a) Data collection WG-E(3)-03/03/IOW - Data collection B.FRIBOURG-BLANC, IOW (
Overall situation Almost all countries provided data: Many thanks to all data providers…
Preliminary data treatment Only datasets for surface water Elimination of : data measured before year 2000 non relevant parameters (e.g. P(tot), Nitrates, etc.) datasets for which neither LOD or LOQ was provided Insufficient precision of matrix or fraction (all ”other”) Correction With MS of missing LoD/LoQ, fraction, inconsistencies… Internally for missing CAS N°, wrong names, doublets Harmonisation of the measurement units
Summary situation: database content (28 Feb 08) Surface water 20 Member States 8 801 stations 5 water body types 419 000 sampling 5 000 000 analysis 850 substances
Stations 5 Water Body Types (N° of stations): River: 6100 Lake: 903 Coastal: 799 Transitional: 848 Marine: 33
Number of analysis
Apportionment of analysis LoD ….and/or LoQ are provided 27% analysis where the substance is not detected 59% analysis where the substance is detected 14% analysis where the substance is quantified
EU relevance of substances
Substances analysed in 12 countries or more
Matrices and fractions (5 000 000 analysis)
Conclusions and perspectives On going technical discussions with some data providers to solve last problems Still some datasets to be received: deadline 7th of March Treatment of data in central database: March Definition of new manageable list March/April Prioritisation: April The central database : The cornerstone for the definition of a manageable list of substances presented with the prioritisation process A living system that will be transferred to WISE and the EEA
Thanks for your attention…
End User Tool : one for each data provider Use for prioritisation The collection system End User Tool : one for each data provider Internal checks and validation export XML file import Central database Discarded (cat. 1 incomplete) Use for prioritisation
Tools to support the collection The Microsoft Access End user tool (+template) The How to use guide A Web page Helpdesk :