Geography, RMPS and Classical Studies Pathway to success Geography, RMPS and Classical Studies
Senior phase homework At National level and above homework will be issued weekly. It is an opportunity for the pupils to put into context what they have been learning in the classroom and gain essential feedback from their teachers. The aim is quality not quantity. Therefore pupils should dedicate time each day to complete work for their subject areas. Set tasks will be used as evidence to track progress. Pupils should seek help before the deadline if they are unsure.
It’s not all in the name… Homework does not need to be completed at home Lunchtimes and after school study opportunities in school are available if pupils require a quiet space to work.
Excuses excuses excuses My dog ate it… I had a family party…. I have been too busy with clubs… My printer is broken… My internet is not working… I didn’t know what to do… I forgot… ( at least their honest)
School-home-pupil communication e letters home Tracking Phone and email contact
iTunes U courses In the Faculty we use iTunes U to support our learners in 2 ways- 1. To share course material which allows them to reread notes at home and consolidate the learning completed in class 2. To issue and submit homework which allows the teacher to give effective feedback and track progress.
How can you support your children at home with iTunes U ? Ask your child to show you their work and feedback from tasks/homework that they have completed on their iTunes U. Ask what deadlines they have for homework and get them to show you the task.
Top tips from the students themselves What we think of iTunes U - Extremely handy to have all of our notes, PowerPoints and worksheets all in one place (good for in case you miss a day or you happen to lose your jotter…) Homework can be handed in from home and whenever you finish it You can talk to your teacher on a one to one basis and put any problems you might have with the homework to them A negative…doing and handing in your homework in form is not advised, as your teacher can see what time you’ve handed it in!
How parents can help When students are working on their homework or revising make sure they have a quiet place to work Make sure they have all the pencils and utensils they need! Encourage them to start revising as early as possible for SFFAs Try not to distract them when they are working hard – but make sure they are doing the work when they say they are If there are younger siblings make sure they aren’t being too annoying… Chat to them about how they are getting on and show an interest in what they are learning 👍🏼
In a nutshell Help your child to plan their study at home effectively Take a look at their work and teacher comments on iTunes U Don’t believe them when they say they don’t have any homework! Concerned – contact school. Ask us! Check that they are completing quality work
Over to you… Any questions?