Our school is situated in Gageni, Prahova county, a village at 70 km northern Bucharest (Romania’s capital), geographically positioned between hill areas ….
…. and plain areas
Our school was founded in 1907 On the day of 4th May 2006 the school received the name of the famous comedy writer Vlad Musatescu Today, 107 students attend our school with ages between 7 and 15 years The school has seven classrooms, an info lab, the library and some other small rooms.
We study different disciplines: mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, history, foreign languages (English, French) Romanian …
We want to be the best, that is why there is a high level of competition and we try to always improve our skills. .
We are resourceful and creative so we enjoy having many artistic moments, we enjoy taking part to all kinds of competitions and activities…
…. Valentine’s Day
We discover the joy of dancing, singing …
even eating and cooking healthy
We take part to competitions…
we sustain our projects ….
we even like to perform…
we are proud of the results obtained and ….. we are proud of the results obtained