Unit# 7: Future Enabling use of ICT
Learning Objectives In this unit you will be learn about: Mobile Technology Computer Virus Security Issues and Cybercrimes/copyright Internet Blog
Mobile Technology Mobile phone is well known ICT device which allows users to communicate with each other. It provides many facilities to the users such as: Calling, instant messaging Listening music, watching videos Playing games, using internet Maintaining phonebook and many more.
Mobile Communications Definition of mobility: user mobility: users communicate anytime, anywhere, with anyone device portability: devices can be connected anytime, anywhere to the network Definition of wireless: Un-tethered, no physical wire attachment
Mobile Applications Mobile workers access to customer files and company documents stored in a central location collaborative work environments access to email and voice messages Replacement of fixed networks remote sensors, e.g., weather, environment, road conditions flexible work spaces LANs in legacy buildings Entertainment, education, ... outdoor Internet access intelligent travel guide with up-to-date location dependent information ad-hoc networks for multi user games
Computer Virus Computer virus refers to a program which damages computer systems and/or destroys or erases data files A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the owner.
Basic Computer Viruses Trojan Horses appears as interesting program file but when installed it allows intruders to access and read your files Worms virus that copies and multiplies itself by using computer networks and security flaws E-mail Viruses use e-mail messages to spread which allow it to automatically forward itself to thousands of people
Types of Viruses Boot Sector Virus Infects the boot of diskettes and hard drives through the sharing of infected disks and pirated software applications Once your hard drive is infected all diskettes that you use in your computer will be infected Program Virus Becomes active when the program file (usually with extensions .BIN, .COM, .EXE, .OVL, .DRV) carrying the virus is opened It then makes copies of itself and will infect other programs on the computer Multipartite Virus Hybrid of a Boot Sector and Program viruses It infects program files and when the infected program is active it will affect the boot record
Types of Viruses Stealth Virus Disguises itself to prevent from being detected by antivirus software It alters its file size or conceals itself in memory Polymorphic Virus Act like a chameleon, changing its virus signature (binary pattern) every time it multiples and infects a new file Macro Virus Programmed as a macro embedded in a document, usually found in Microsoft Word and Excel Once it gets in to your computer, every document you produce will become infected Relatively new type of virus and may slip by your antivirus software if you don't have the most recent version installed
Signs Your Computer is Infected Functions slower than normal Responds slowly and freezes often Restarts itself often See uncommon error messages, distorted menus, and dialog boxes Notice applications fail to work correctly Fail to print correctly
Prevention Upload and use antivirus software Be aware of the e-mails and attachments you open Check for updates on antivirus software regularly Make sure antivirus software is installed correctly
Security Issues and Cybercrimes/copyright What is cyber crime? Crime committed using a computer and the internet to steal a person's identity or illegal imports or malicious programs. Cybercrime is nothing but where the computer used as an object or subject of crime
History The first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820 That is not surprising considering the fact that the abacus, which is thought to be the earliest form of a computer, has been around since 3500 B.C
Categorize of Cybercrime The Computer as a Target: using a computer to attack other computers. The computer as a weapon: using a computer to commit world crimes.
Types of Cyber crime HACKING: Hacking in simple terms means an illegal intrusion into a computer system and/or network. It is also known as CRACKING Government websites are the hot targets of the hackers due to the press coverage, it receives. Hackers enjoy the media Coverage. DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK: This is an act by the criminal, who floods the bandwidth of the victims network or fills his e-mail box with spam mail depriving him of the services he is entitled to access or provide
Types of Cyber crime VIRUS DISSEMINITION: Malicious software that attaches itself to other software or computer system and then propagates itself to other computers via networks or disks. (virus, worms, Trojan Horse web jacking, e-mail bombing etc) COMPUTER VANDALISM: Damaging or destroying data rather than stealing or misusing them is called cyber vandalism. Transmitting virus: These are programs that attach themselves to a file and then circulate.
Types of Cyber crime CYBER TERRORISM: Terrorist attacks on the Internet is by distributed denial of service attacks, hate websites and hate emails, attacks on sensitive computer networks, etc. Technology savvy terrorists are using 512-bit encryption, which is impossible to decrypt. SOFTWARE PIRACY: Theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine programs or the counterfeiting and distribution of products intended to pass for the original.
Cyber Security Internet security is a branch of computer Security specifically related to the Internet. It's objective is to establish rules and measure to use against attacks over the Internet.
Safety tips to Cybercrime Use antivirus software's Insert firewalls Uninstall unnecessary software Maintain backup Check security settings Never give your full name or address to strangers Don't respond to harassing or negative messages Get out of uncomfortable or hostile situations quickly Save offending messages Learn more about Internet privacy
Advantages of cyber security The cyber security will defend us from critical attacks. It helps us to browse the safe website. Internet security process all the incoming and outgoing data on our computer. Security will defend from hacks and virus. The application of cyber security used in our PC needs update every week. The security developers will update their database every week once. Hence the new virus also deleted Safe
Internet Blog Internet Blogging: Blogs are found on the Internet. The term “blog” is short for web log. A blog is a series of entries, or posts created by someone, stored in chronological order, are searchable, and allows readers to comment on your content.
Internet Blog Why Blog? To share information Personal – blog as a journal Professional – blog as a product As part of their work Journalists – blogs as news outlets Businesses – blogs as advertising
Internet Blog Blog Search Services How to find Blogs? Blog Search Services Blog Search Engine: www.blogsearchengine.com Google Blog Search: www.blogsearch.google.com Technocratic: www.technorati.com