THE MONTHS OF THE YEAR Writers : Nemrod, Axelle, Rachel and Gaëlle
In January, there is the king cake.
In February, there are crepes and valentine's day. Valentine's day, it's February 14th. Crepes, it's February 2nd.
In March, it's spring and there are red and purple flowers.
In April, there is the April fool.
In May, the flowers have a lot of colours.
In June, it's the end of school.
In July, it's summer, it's sunny, there is the beach. We can swim and walk on the white beach. It's funny !!
In August, it's the second month of the holidays.
In September, it's the back-to-school and it's autumn. When the school year starts, we can see again our friends.
In october, there is Halloween.
In November it's cold.
In December, there is Christmas.