"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." 1/11/2019 Title: Anat & Phys 3/13/07 Objectives: . Class Topics Notes Liver Hepatocytes Gallbladder Hormones Nutrient Absorption "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt Friday, January 11, 2019 9:38 PM
1/11/2019 Class Assignments What By When Comparative anatomy essay – cellulose digestion 3/13/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
Liver Largest visceral organ divided into two lobes 1/11/2019 Liver Largest visceral organ divided into two lobes each lobe contains 100,000 hepatocytes Hepatocyte functions clean blood store iron and other heavy metals forms bile - sent to gallbladder drug inactivation
1/11/2019 From: http://faculty.southwest.tn.edu/rburkett/A&P2%20Digestive%20System%20Lab.htm
Digestive function of Hepatocytes 1/11/2019 Digestive function of Hepatocytes Carbohydrate metabolism Lipid metabolism amino acid metabolism vitamin storage fat soluble vitamins A,E,D,K, B12 Acquire nutrients directly from small intestine via hepatic portal vein
Gallbladder Releases bile through common bile duct Bile function 1/11/2019 Gallbladder Releases bile through common bile duct guarded at the duodenum by sphincter of Oddi Bile function Break open lipids to lipase can digest Bile salts are recycled by ileum Gallstone - bile salt precipitates - block common bile duct
Hormones Gastrin Secretin Released by stomach 1/11/2019 Hormones Gastrin Released by stomach causes release of gastric juices and increases motility released at sight, smell, or ingestion of food Secretin stimulates the release of buffers and water released into duodenum
Hormones Cholecystokinen (CCK) secreted when chyme hits duodenum 1/11/2019 Hormones Cholecystokinen (CCK) secreted when chyme hits duodenum Releases sphincter of Oddi Stimulates the production of pancreatic juices inhibits gastric activity
Nutrient absorption Carbohydrates (monosaccharides) 1/11/2019 Nutrient absorption Carbohydrates (monosaccharides) through microvilli to blood stream facilitated diffusion Proteins (amino acids) Lipids (triglycerides) through microvilli to lymph diffusion - nonpolar substances
From: http://www.agen.ufl.edu/~chyn/age2062/lect/lect_20/digproc.gif 1/11/2019 From: http://www.agen.ufl.edu/~chyn/age2062/lect/lect_20/digproc.gif
1/11/2019 Lab Lower Digestive Tract Complete through #6 If time allows