Medical Abbreviations Starting with the letter B Created by Britney Guzman and Vaibhavi Jadhav
BBB: BE: Bid or BID: bil: Bil: Bundle Branch Block or blood brain barrier. BBB: BE: Barium Branch or Base Excess Bid or BID: Twice a Day bil: Bilateral Bil: Bilirubin
BKA: Below Knee Amputation Bl or Bld: Blood Bl Wk: Blood Work BM: Bowel Movement BP: Blood Pressure BPH: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Blood Sugar, Bowel Sounds BR or br: Bedrest, bedroom, bathroom, birthing room, breast BRP: Bathroom Privileges BS: Blood Sugar, Bowel Sounds BSA: Body Surface Area BSC: Bedside Commode BUN: Blood Urea Nitrogen Bx or BX: Biopsy
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