Intro. to Political Organization of Space
How is space politically organized into states and nations? Territoriality Sovereignty Territorial integrity Peace of Westphalia (1648) and birth of modern nation-state idea
Role of physical geography in shaping political organization of space Stratfor – “Place and Fear” R. Kaplan excerpt from Revenge of Geography Spine of the E.U. and spine of the Caroglinian Monarchy
Nation and Nation-State Nation – “imagined community” Benedict Anderson Nation-state - politically defined territorial units, a true nation-state is impossible, it’s the idea behind it Nationalism and the French Revolution; strategies to promote nationalism, i.e. centripetal forces Examples of centripetal forces:
Nationalism Nationalism can be used to unify or to press for secession Centrifugal forces can lead to devolution Examples of centrifugal forces: Core areas and peripheral areas at nation-state scale, multi-core states primate cities forward capitals
Supranational Organizations and Sovereignty How have Supranational Organizations changed the meaning of sovereignty? EU - ? UN - ? NATO - ?
Colonialism and the Diffusion of the Nation-State Model Motives for colonization Results of colonization World Systems Theory – Immanuel Wallerstein (core, periphery, semi-periphery at global scale resulting from colonialism) Organized flows of raw materials out of colonies, export-oriented