October October 9-13, 2017 What we’re up to: Classroom Updates Reading: We will be learning about character traits, and inferring the author’s meaning about characters actions and how their traits can change throughout a story or poem. Language Arts: We will continue writing our personal narratives about a time we helped someone. We will review nouns, and identifying common and proper. At the end of the week, we will begin talking about elements of poetry. Math: We will be working with open number lines. Science: We will be exploring the changing states of matter, including physical changes. Special request: We need some root beer, small plastic cups, Hershey’s kisses, and ice cream for a couple science experiments next week! Social Studies: We will be learning about the parts of a map and how to use them. Field Trip is October 26. We will be going to Dewberry Farm. More info to come as the date approaches. PTO will be hosting Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 28. Stayed tuned for More details. October Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 Book Fair Week! 3 4 5 Book Fair Late Night 6 9 Picture Day! 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 STEAM night Chick fil A Spirit Night 20 23 Early Voting Begins 24 25 26 2nd Grade Field Trip 27 30 31 Halloween ewehring@lcisd.org