Lockers/Social Studies Please locate your seat from yesterday. Day C August 31, 2017 Advisory Math Science Exploratory Lunch Lockers/Social Studies English Your exploratory classes will be during period 3 and period 6
Objective I will be able to solve single and multi-step operations using order of operations So that I can determine the answers to each equation on Figure Me Out I will know I got it when I can determine the person who created the Figure Me Out
What we will be doing today… Activator: Complete Info Sheet Policies and Expectations Classroom norms/PBIS review Wrap up Hanging by a Hair Stations: Figure Me Out, Add 3 dice, Factors and Multiples Ticket to go: Survey Homework: Math poem, Million Words or Less, Syllabus
Positive Expectations *Quiet Stage Area Only (0)* Classroom Voice Levels 0-2 Hallway Voice Level 0-1 Cafeteria Voice 0-2 *Quiet Stage Area Only (0)* Bathroom/Locker Room Voice 0-1 School Bus Arrival/Dismissal Voice Level 1-3 Respect We listen to teachers and peers We use kind words and actions We follow expectations and routines We leave the room clean and organized We actively participate with our groups and share roles We have positive and respectful conversations We walk on the right calmly We keep a safe space between others We use kind words and actions We leave the cafeteria/table clean and organized We follow bathroom procedures (Go, Flush, Wash, Leave) We follow locker room procedures (Go, Change, Lock, Leave) We report any bathroom/locker room concerns to an adult We follow directions We listen to bus driver We keep bodies and property in the bus at all times We stay seated on the bus We move with a purpose to get where we are going efficiently We motivate others to follow expectations Responsibility We arrive on time We are prepared with academic materials needed to be successful We leave the classroom clean and organized We follow classroom expectations and routines We are prepared: (pencil, agenda homework, etc.) We pick up what we see on the floor We leave the hallway clean and organized We have a pass at all times - excluding school transitions We use designated hallways during non-transitional time We use lockers during designated times: Go, Use, Lock, Leave We leave the cafeteria clean and organized We stay seated when talking with friends We pay for all items in the cafeteria We leave the cafeteria in an orderly line on the right We help keep the bathroom/ locker room clean and organized We report any bathroom concerns to an adult We report bullying to an adult We use designated bathrooms/locker rooms We enter and exit the bus quickly and safely We leave all areas clean and organized We report immediately to our destination: bus, after-school help, sports/clubs, after school programs Scholarship We participate actively We give 100% attention to classroom tasks/activity We ask questions (when we need help) We move with purpose to arrive on time. Quick and on route We use designated hallways during non-transitional times We leave in an orderly fashion to get to class on time We get to and from the bathroom in a timely manner We have all academic materials needed to be successful
Let’s look over our responses Let’s look back over our PBIS classroom expectations and see if there is anything we feel like we agree or disagree with.
Hanging by a hair
ACT 2b Now that you know how many pennies your hair will support what do you need to know to find out how many pieces of hair you need to support your body weight? a penny weighs 2.5 grams OR 0.08 ounces in case you forgot…16 ounces in a pound AND approximately 456 grams in a pound
ACT 3 Compare and share solution strategies. How appropriate was your estimate?
ACT 4a Can you find the rule that would determine how many hairs would be needed for a person of any weight? Can you write it as an expression?
How do you feel? topic.
Center Work Students are to: Read over the directions and problem(s) at each station. With your group, you will answer the problem(s) When the teacher tells you to, you will move to the next station and follow the directions. You will only have 6 minutes at each station. Center 3 Center 3 Center 2 Center 2 Center 1 Center 1
Ticket to go:
Homework: Team expectations: due 9/8 Class expectations due 9/6 Math poem due Tuesday 9/5 Million Words or Less due 9/28