Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 24 Nellie bly were probably the world’s first woman reporter. She was born on may 5 1867, near Pittsburgh pennsylvania.
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 24 3. Bly’s real name were elizabeth cochrane but womans weren’t reporters back then. 4. An editor suggest a pen name too keep her real name an secret.
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 24 5. Bly’s stories maked mans and women think about the lifes of others. 6. Her wrote about sutch places as slums hospitals and factories.
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 24 7. Bly becomed famous for traveling around the world in just seventy-two day. 8. Rode trains ships and horses trying to mach or beat eighty days.
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 24 9. Bly martched into the world of mens and became a success there. 10. You should read a book called Nellie Bly: First woman of the news.
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 24 Was Nellie Bly the first woman reporter? Mrs. J C Crody was thought to be the first by some people. Whitch woman was really the first? No one know for sure, but Bly was more better. A newspaper in new york said, “She was considered the best reporter in America.” No other reporter could mach her.