Nanoscience and Technology Meet Dimensions of Nano Science and Technology Address by Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM Nanoscience and Technology Meet 29 APRIL 2004
GOD’S OWN CREATION OF NANO MATERIALS Source: Coloration strategies in peacock feathers Jian Zi, Xindi Yu, Yizhou Li, Xinhua Hu, Chun Xu, Xingjun Wang, Xiaohan Liu and Rongtang Fu (Fudan University), China Source : Nature
BIOLOGICAL MOLECULAR COMPLEXITY Point-like Molecules Bio-Macro Molecules Self Assembling Organisations Cellular Nets (Organisms) Atoms Cells Drexler Assembler Arm 2596 Atoms Plants Animals DNA Stewart Platform 36 Atoms E.Coli Bacterium Red Blood Cell Proteins Lab-On-a-Chip X X Dimers Clusters Assemblies Increasing Complexity Buckeyballs Nucleic Acid Dendrons Dendrimer Polymers & Infinite (Dendritic Architectures) Branch Cells Non Bio Molecular Complexity Protons, etc. H2O Monomers Atoms Nanometers .1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 106 107 108 Angstrom Micron Centimeter Sub-Pico Pico Sub-Nano Nanoscopic Sub-Micro Micro Macro Visible to the Eye 2x109 nm (2,000,000,000) = Tall Human