Moving from Studio to Atelier Bill McCormick
What is Atelier? A new IDE built on Eclipse that is Platform Independent Open Source Framework Massive Ecosystem Familiar Fully integrated source control Extensible REST API
Implementation Details Caché or Ensemble 2016.2 Server side support Client distributed independently Automatic Updates No support prior to 2016.2
Why do I have to “migrate” Source Control is only source of truth What you edit is what you store in source UDL format REST impact Studio Hooks
Source Control Did you use Studio Hooks? For storing source? Or to manipulate compilation? Still supported but not exactly like in Studio
Preferred Source? 27 Clients for Eclipse for most commercial source systems Integrated client side as “Team framework” Built in support for Github Worst case use local file storage Just works
Studio Extensions Source Control “Hooks” implemented as one type of extension Extensions are supported in Atelier! Perfectly reasonable way to add functionality at compile time For people that still want server side “manipulation” of code these will work as before Allows for COS based extensions Studio Hooks are just one example of this Still not a preferred method as you have to implement all the calls from server to source system Nothing out of the box supported by ISC
Add-ins and Templates Templates manipulate the current document Add-ins tend to generate sets of documents Implemented as ZEN or CSP pages that extend base classes Still supported in Atelier and will function as before Demo
In Summation Studio Hooks still work Studio functionality to extend the IDE will move to Atelier as is Recommended approach would be to use standard Eclipse tools to extend Atelier but for compatibility and for COS familiarity we will make sure these features work
Source Format - Questions? Major change from Studio here UDL not XML To “try” Atelier is this required? Do all my developers have to move? At once?
Source Solutions You can try Atelier and still use XML - Demo Lose Source Control automation You can use Studio Hooks and import / export from Server in XML Same as above You can commit to Atelier on a project by project basis You can’t flip flop on this decision once made
CSP Changes Work in Progress at the moment We will do a mapping one to one of all the CSP files in a given project from Atelier to the location on the server specified for the CSP application for that project All files! JS, CSS, HTML, CSP, etc Build your whole implementation in one environment and deploy to the server Parser enhancements still being done for various CSP extensions
Multi-Developer Servers? Do your developers have their own instances? Do you have automation to build these environments? Do you use one instance for development for your team?
Gotchas How do you know what is “real” How do you know if something is in source control? Is it current? How do you keep people from stepping on each other without locks How do you reconcile when they do?
And more…. Deprecated keyword COS LINT Parsers
One more thing….. BPL and DTL exist today in Studio Studio “abstract documents” for HL7, XSLT etc Business Rules Today they use Studio Hooks with limited success What about Atelier? - Demo
Moving from Studio to Atelier Bill McCormick Director of Product Management InterSystems Moving from Studio to Atelier