All About Soil
Soil structure is the arrangement of particles in soil Examples of soil structure:
Humus is the organic material formed in soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals
Humus, silt, clay, sand, and loam are all examples of soil texture!
Explain soil conservation in your own words:
Explain erosion in your own words:
Transported soil is the soil that is blown or washed away from it’s parent rock
Soil fertility is how well soil holds nutrients Why is this important to plants?
Soil texture is the proportion of different sized soil particles or how the soil feels
Georgia has reddish colored soil because it has a high content of iron
The rock that forms the soil is called the parent rock
The layers of soil are -- Humus Topsoil Subsoil Weathered Rock Bedrock
Leaving old stalks of plants to provide cover from the rain, so nutrients aren’t washed away, is called no-till farming
Planting new crops that use less nutrients is called crop rotation
The pH scale goes from 0 – 14 The lower numbers are acidic The higher numbers are more basic